What the hell are people not telling me? What am I missing here, and what’s been going on since I’ve been gone?
Clearly, I had a lot to catch up on.
Luckily, I knew just where to go to find out all the latest tea.
The four men escorted me to Nottdeen Quarter in the southeast part of campus near the southern gate. It felt surrealwalking down the cobbled roads, through the light dirt paths of the many wooded sections again.
We passed longhouses I recognized, students I was familiar with who were just letting out of class, and all the stark, muted beauty Vikingrune Academy had to offer.
My confidence was lifting. I found myself smiling as I pushed toward Nottdeen. In the background, Sven and Grim argued over who was going to stay and keep watch over me.
I was already moving past them.
I shoved the door of the dormitory open . . .
And there she was. At the front desk, head down, yin-yang hair parted, face buried in a book.
Right where I left her a month ago.
Her head lifted lethargically as I stepped into the main room, to see who had come in. Blinking, she gave me a small nod—her glasses were beside her book—and then dipped her chin again to return to reading.
Her eyes widened a second later. Recognition passed over her face. She scurried to find her glasses, throw them on, and then snapped her head up with her mouth fully open.
I smiled, wetness coming to my eyes for the second time that day. “Hi, Dagny.”
She screeched—actuallyscreechedlike an unhinged bird—and hurried around the desk to run at me.
My eyes widened when the shorter girl barreled into me and wrapped her arms around my middle, burying her face in my bosom.
I laughed, returning the fierce hug, listening to her weep in my arms. It was a moment I’d never forget—realizing how much someone actuallycaredabout me.
“I . . . I can’t believe it,” she muttered snottily. Her head lifted to take in my face, and she let out another mewl, cupped mycheek to make sure I was real, and then buried her face in my tits again.
“Whoa there, bestie,” I laughed.
She pulled me to arm’s length, tears tracking deep grooves in her puffy cheeks. She looked worn and tired as ever. Too many hours losing herself in her books, worrying, no doubt.
Dagny’s eyes squinted beneath her cat-eye glasses. “I thought I-I’d never see you again! You’ve been gone foryears!”
“A month, actually. But who’s counting?”
I’d never seen Dagny so animated. She was typically the reserved girly, whereas Randi was my bubbly one.
I loved this side of the cat shifter.
She laughed through her tears and took my hand to pull me to her desk. “Gods above, girl, I thought you were dead!” At the desk, she leaned closer, conspiratorially—head bobbing left and right like she thought we were being spied on. “Is it true theelvescaptured you?”
I nodded. “’Fraid so.”
“What were you evendoingoutside the academy?!”
I pressed my hand down, playing the part. “Shh, lower your voice, Dag. Damn. I just got back. Don’t really want people knowing I’ve returned until I let them.”
“Sorry, sorry. I just havesomany questions.” She tapped her chin, mind going a million miles a minute in every direction. “Wait. I should go find Randi. Can you believe we can’t have phones in this damn place? What an inconvenience. Oh, shit. She’s probably still in class—”
“Dagny,” I murmured, squeezing her shoulders to get her attention. Our eyes met, and I smiled at her. “It’s okay. She’ll learn soon enough. I came here to seeyou.” Pulling up taller, I scratched the back of my head. “And, uh, because I’m tired as hell. Is my room still . . . there?”