“My friends have kept me abreast to the goings-on outside Vikingrune while the academy’s been closed for business,” Arne said.

“A proper fuck-you it is having the academy closed,” Dieter grumbled. “Can’t make a living without you shit-eating students to buy our wares.”

I didn’t know what to say to that.Sorry?

Sven said, “Why did you come here, iceshaper? Looking for another beating?”

Arne smiled up at him, a sickly expression on his yellowish-purple face. “Because I’m joining you. I’m stubborn like a pest.”

I shook my head. “Why should we allow you to accompany us? I managed to control my rage earlier. I’m not sure I can do it twice. You won’t be safe.”

Admittedly, he had some grit coming here to confront us. He showed proper foresight by assuming we’d stop off at Isleton before blindly going looking for Ravinica. Or, he was simply lucky, and was ready to go looking for her on his own before we showed up.

Either way, it turned out hehadn’tgone and tattled to our superiors at the academy. Once escaping his bindings, he simply took the underground tunnels like we did, but faster.

Arne nudged his chin across the table. “I’m joining you, Kollbjorn, because I have something you don’t have. Directions.” He quirked a sly smile. “I can lead you to the elves. You need me.”

Sven said, “We could also just beat the directions out of you again.”

Arne snorted. “Is this really the time for such violence? Ravinica’s been missing three weeks.”

“There’s always time for violence,” Sven pointed out.

I nodded. “I agree with the dog. For once.”

Arne rolled his eyes.

Magnus put his arm out. “Let’s hear him out.”

“At least one of you is smart,” Arne said, standing from the booth. He finished his ale then clapped Sven hard on theshoulder. “I have more information you’ll want to hear. My friends spotted a company of Huscarls going through Isleton, headed north. All we needs do is follow them, and I imagine they’ll lead us to Ravinica.”

My heart slammed in my chest, adrenaline abruptly exploding inside me. “Huscarls? Out here? Why?”

The glint returned to Arne’s eyes, mischievous as ever, though it only shone in his left. The other eye was bruised shut.

“Well, my dear teddy, it appears the academy has sent an entourage to find our missing little fox after all, unbeknownst to anyone. An underhanded play like that . . . I’d say it means we need to fucking hurry. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Chapter 13


I BARGED INTO THE CORRALlate at night. My thoughts had been swirling too much lately, and it was time.

I knew Ravinica was angry at me for going back on my word, not allowing her to leave our camp, but it couldn’t be helped. Her presence had suddenly become a necessity for my people. If she truly knew where the Ancient One resided, she could cut down on days or weeks of searching.