Arne shrugged. “Suits me, then.”
We continued on toward the western side of the mountain so we could make our way into the underground labyrinth.
It had become old hat, trudging through the winding corridors beneath Vikingrune Academy. I could nearly do it in the dark, though I didn’t need to because a torch was lit near the entrance of one of the caves.
“Convenient,” I said with a small smile, hoisting the torch in my hand.
We moved forward, slowly, making sure we took all the correct turns and didn’t get lost. Eventually, the narrow halls started to open up into wider corridors, with a few round rooms and expertly hewn chambers mixed in.
I imagined the chambers would be used for studies, or bunking, once the academy went underground to stay here for next term.
I could only imagine the chaos it would cause with everyone living here, together, during the darkest parts of winter.Is the season reallythatterrible on the Isle? Everyone sure is making it out to be.I supposed I would learn soon enough.
We meandered from one chamber to the next, heading to Corym’s secret chamber. From there, Arne and I would take the ladder into the basement of Mimir Tomes. We would sneak out into the academy and everything would be fine.
But we would be without Corym, sadly. I swore to myself I would come visit him whenever I could, whenever it was safe to do without getting caught.
“Not far from here,” Arne said, nudging his chin forward past another crooked archway.
We stepped into the chamber ahead and I heard a soft sound of moving rubble. Thinking it was a tunnel rat or some other underground rodent, I thought nothing of it.
Then I froze a few steps ahead when something dark passed in front of my torchlight.
Inhaling sharply, I whispered, “Did anyone else see that?”
Arne and Corym froze ahead of me.
Footsteps now, to my left, with my two golden mates rooted to the ground.
Our heads swiveled.
A figure emerged in the archway to theright, and our necks snapped over on turrets. Another figure appeared in the opening to the left, where I’d first heard the noise. Then two more.
They were all dressed in black, with cloaks and the emblem of Vikingrune Academy splayed across their hauberks and helmets.
“Fuck,” Arne grumbled.
“Arne!” I shouted, instinctively, whipping my gaze accusingly at him.
He spun around, lifting his hands into fists. “It’s not me, Ravinica, I swear it!”
More soldiers appeared, hemming us in.
Corym, who never went anywhere without his cruel blade, pulled it from its sheaths with a metallic rasp.
Arne’s fists crackled with energy, until he held daggers made of crystallized ice in either hand.
I could tell by the expression on his face he was being truthful. He looked frightened, utterly surprised. His head kept wheeling left and right.
More and more figures emerged, from every entrance in the low-ceilinged chamber—at least five archways in all.
The Huscarls had picked a perfect spot to ambush us. They had chosen well, as if knowing we would stride through this section at some point.
As if knowing . . .
How else would they know if not for Arne telling them?