A thought came to me, which I couldn’t quite connect yet with my own predicament. I felt a thread there—a commonality between them.
I had already been captured by Huscarls at the creek near Elayina’s cave, before the elves arrived and stole me away. The Huscarls had planned to bring me back to Vikingrune and, I assumed, question me about things.
So why in all hells hadn’t the academy arrested me the moment I stood on this hilltop again? I’d gotten a few odd stares and glares, but nothing like I expected.
I asked my question, searching for the thread. “Are you not worried about getting in trouble for those murders? I heard Grim was falsely accused for them.”
Magnus cleared his throat. “Well, that’s where my weakness comes from, interestingly enough. I struck a deal with the academy.”
My head whipped up and I stared down at him from my side, palms flat on the bed. “Youwhat? What kind of a deal, Magnus?” My voice was panicked, worried more for him than me.
He flapped a hand at me, trying to play it off like it wasn’t a big deal, which was more aggravating than anything. “It’s not impor—”
I jabbed a finger against his chest. “No, don’t do that. You just said you’d tell me anything. That you wouldn’t lie to me.”
My eyes implored his, begging for a word to calm me down.What horrible thing did Magnus do to ensure my safety? Because that’s the only thing I can think of—the only reason I’m not in chains right now!
His full lips pursed, going thin as he studied me. His face was gaunt, clean-shaven, and utterly handsome. His shoulder-length hair flowed around his head like a lion’s mane.
“I cut a deal with Jorthyr, silvermoon. Guaranteeing your safety in exchange for . . . for . . .”
“For what?!”
“My blood.”
My vision swam, thoughts going dizzy as I sat up completely. Shocked, dazed, confused.
Magnus continued, putting his hands on my kneecaps and lightly squeezing. “It was the only thing I could think to do, love. Admit my guilt over Astrid and Corta’s deaths, free Grim, and strike a deal to protect you.” He spoke hurriedly, as if trying to bring me out of my daze. “I am a bloodrender, Ravinica. My lifeblood is powerful. I learned in Mimir Tomes the academy has been gunning to pull it out of my body since I was a whelp.”
His shoulders rose sharply. “My guess is to create something with it—a weapon, soldiers, something we’ve never seen the likes of before. My power is a rarity, and I believe they want to study it . . . and they want more of it.”
My mouth dropped open. I tried to speak, to say anything, but only a squeak left my lips. Magnus’ words only ignited my passion to find out what other lies this place preyed on.
I didn’t doubtfor a secondwhat Magnus was saying. He was sacrificing himself to protect me, and it made me feel awful.
It had to stop.
“Thisfuckingacademy,” I snarled, shaking my head.
He stroked my hand. “Are you angry with me, silvermoon?”
Clenching my teeth until they felt like cracking, I firmly shook my head. “No. I’m not mad at you, Magnus. All you’ve done is help me. But Vikingrune Academy? The Hersirs . . .”
“Aye, lass, I know. It’s why I wasn’t surprised about the history lesson you told me. The academy has used underhanded means to get what it wants for years—probably for its entire existence.”
My head shot up, eyes locking with his. “The people who are running this place are corrupt, Magnus. Evil, even.” I threw my arms up in frustration. “The wholepremiseof this place—a military school to train us to fight humanity’s greatest foe—is bullshit!”
It was the first time I’d realized that, saying it out loud. Vikingrune Academy was created to help stop the “spread” and “threat” of the elves against humans in Midgard.
What did it mean ifwewere the existential threat?
It means this academy is nothing more than a place of control.My mind spoke, and I nodded, carrying the thoughts further.Control over the narrative. Control over the magical students. Control over our powers. Control over our beliefs and allegiances.
“We have to stop them,” I sputtered, veering my eyes up to his. “We have to spread the word about what’s going on here, like I was saying.”