A Month Later
Trees rise from the Earth in long, steady rows. One by one, over and over, their green needles stand covered in fluffy white snow. The heavy Christmas rush hasn’t begun yet, but with the first snowfall in place, folks are out and about, shopping for wreaths and other holiday décor. I swear this shit starts earlier every year.
“Hey!” Kelly’s friend Jovie waves from the little cabin she’s sitting inside. We’ve gotten to know each other fairly well over the past few weeks given that Kelly and I have been planning our wedding here.
“You liking the new job?”
She nods and grins widely. “It’s officially my third week and I have to say, I’m loving it. Small-town life is for me. What about you? Ready for the big day?”
“I’m ready to see my girl again. She insisted on taking twenty-four hours apart before the wedding and I’m turning myself inside out waiting for her.”
“Well, no need to worry, Romeo. We spent all night together. She’s excited to see you too.” I didn’t think I’d have to deploy my final wish, but it’s nice to hear confirmation that she’s still eager.
A man steps in from the side. He’s a tall, flannel wearing dude with a long gray and white beard and an axe slung over his shoulder. His eyes are on Jovie with intensity. It’s always been my job to notice the small things in people, and his stare sets off alarms right away.
They discuss something privately before he glares toward me and leaves.
“Jesus, you know that asshole?”
She laughs. “Yeah. That’s my boss, Kade.”
“He sit on a sharp limb or something? Dude looks angry as fuck.”
“Coming from you?” she laughs. “You always look miserable.”
“Yeah, so this dude must really look miserable then for me to say it. I’m pretty sure you can do better.”
“Whatever!” Kelly laughs. “How is the B&B coming?”
“Slow and steady. Kelly wanted to renovate the kitchen and put in new flooring throughout the house, so we’re working on that each weekend. It’s been slow with the wedding planning on top of everything.”
“She is really happy though, Gentry. She can’t stop talking about how ecstatic her mom would be to know what you two were doing with the place. I’m jealous.”
“Ah, I know what that’s like. You’ll find someone. Kelly says you’re into one of the guys here. Tell me it’s not the boss man. That guy is a creep.”
She laughs. “He’s really not that bad when you get to know him.”
I roll my eyes, desperate to talk about anything that distracts me from the agonizing seconds I’m spending waiting for this wedding to start. “Why would a guy selling Christmas trees have anything to be so cranky about?”
Her eyes roll. “You’ll think it’s stupid if I tell you.”
My eyes widen as thoughts rattle through my brain on what this guy has done. I don’t want to get in the middle of anything, but I know Kelly would want me looking out for her friends.
“You should get over to the pines.” She glances down at her watch. “The wedding starts in ten.”
My stomach rattles with excitement as I glance down at the time on my phone. Sure enough, I’m ten minutes away from being happier than I’ve ever been.
“I’m going to get all the flower arrangements situated in the aisle and I’ll meet you there.”
“Can I bring anything over?”
“Nope! You’re the groom. Just get over there and get ready for your girl!”
I’m used to working, so standing to wait isn’t my thing. I grab hold of the pine and berry flower bouquet to the left and carry it through the row of trees, setting it in one of the vases at the end of the aisle.