Page 73 of Monster in Disguise

Over the next few days, I continue to invite them so we can spend time together bonding. Venezia seems to have thawed towards Claudia. Sisi, being Sisi, has gone a little crazy over her computer, and she rarely takes a break from it.

She's been reading up on everything and anything. The lessons have helped them, and I've even noticed Venezia make an effort to learn her letters. After her hours with Sarah, I try to go over the material again with her. She needs all the help now until she can grasp the basics.

I have to admit that Sarah is doing a magnificent job with the girls, even if her clothes seem to become shorter and shorter. Maybe it's just me, but sometimes I can't help but stare at her. I'm glad Marcello is mostly away because wouldn't it beembarrassing for him to see her like this? I shake my head at the thought.

I've seen little of him lately. I thanked him for the gift, but his response had been perfunctory at best, and he'd hurried to leave the house.

The entire week passes in a blur. The girls are either at their lessons or keeping me company while I try to make a dress for Claudia.

I'd been hoping to show my progress to Marcello too, but he's always absent. Well, today I know for sure he is at home. I sigh deeply and look at the bodice I'd sewn together. It looks nice for a first attempt. I remove the safety pins and take it with me downstairs.

I'm about to knock on the door of his study when I hear voices.

"The girls are doing great. Thank you, Sarah," Marcello tells her in his usual monotonous tone.

He's busy... It wouldn't be right of me to eavesdrop. I take a step back, intent on leaving them to chat and coming back later. But then I hear Sarah speak.

"There are ways to thank me," she says, and I still. Her voice is completely different from the one she's used with me or the girls. It's high-pitched and...

"I think your salary shows my wife's and my appreciation," Marcello replies drily. I blush at his words. I like it when he calls me his wife.

Sarah bursts out laughing at his words.

"Your wife," she starts in between laughing, "you mean the one with the frumpy clothes?" I look down at my dress, frowning. I don't think it's frumpy... why would she say that?

"I can't believe a man like you would actually findthatattractive," Sarah has the gall to say, and I gasp. What?

"Sarah, please refrain from talking like that about my wife," Marcello tells her, and it gives me a little hope. Still, the jab hurts. Mainly because maybe he doesn't find me attractive...

"Why? I'd be offending her tender feelings? Don't worry, she won't hear anything from me," she says, and I hear movement. I can't help but glue my ear to the door, wanting to know what's going on.

"Sarah, I'd appreciate if you did not come into my personal space. This is inappropriate," Marcello tells her off very professionally.

"Please, Mr. Lastra. I know men like you," she replies, and there's a pause.

"Sarah, please put your clothes back on and leave." He emphasizes the wordleave. Why is he telling her to put her clothes on? What's happening?

My heart is racing, and I don't know if I should just barge in or not. I can't hear anything anymore, and I start fretting.

Is Marcello... no, he wouldn't do that.

My hand is on the doorknob, and I debate with myself whether to open the door. I...

A loud sound jerks my attention, and I push the door open, consequences be damned. Sarah turns towards me, her mouth wide open. She's missing her top, her breasts bare. I quickly shift my gaze towards Marcello and gasp when I see him on the floor, a blank look on his face. His hands are wrapped around his knees, and he's rocking very slowly, almost out of it.

"What happened?" I ask Sarah.

"Nothing... I... I just touched his arm and then he was like that," she stammers, but I don't care. She touched him. Marcello doesn't like to be touched. And now he's...

"Out!" I say, my voice firm.


"Get the hell out before I throw you out myself. And don't think about coming back!" Her eyes are wide with fear, and she nods slowly before leaving the room.

I close the door after her and kneel on the floor next to Marcello.

"Marcello," I call out, my voice soft.