Page 172 of Monster in Disguise

"What the fuck!" someone bellows from behind.

I barely have time to tuck myself in and zip up as a crowd gathers around.

"Shit!" I mutter, hugging Lina to my chest so she won't be seen. I lead her away from the closet. There are whispers behind us, and people laughing.


She's going to be mortified. What was in my head, really? I mentally berate myself for my lack of self-control. It's only when we're back in the hallway of Sisi's salon that I let go of her, expecting to see disappointment on her face. She looks at me wide-eyed before she giggles, bending forward with laughter.

"God! That was..." She starts, but can't stop laughing.

"You're not mad?" I ask tentatively.

She shakes her head, tears at the corners of her eyes from too much exertion.

"No... not at all," she says and gives me a knowing smile. I can't help but return it, and we stay like that for a bit.

It's at that moment that Venezia comes out of Sisi's salon, a look of bewilderment on her face.

"Sisi's asleep." She narrows her eyes at us, and both Lina and I can't help but grin. "What's with you guys?" She shakes her head, taking her seat and plugging her headphones in.

"We should tone it down. For Sisi," Lina says, and I nod. She's right. We need to focus on my sister right now. But that doesn't mean that I'm not taking her home tonight.

Fuck taking things slow.


Idrape the blanket over Sisi's small body. She's curled up in bed, her eyes red from too much crying. "Are you sure you're okay? You can talk to me about anything."

I'm worried about her. She hasn't been the same since we left Sacre Coeur, and I have no idea why.

"Thank you, Lina." She gives me a tremulous smile before turning around, ending the conversation.

I sigh and turn to leave. The doctor had discharged her late in the afternoon and had suggested she'd be more comfortable at home with a support system. I just wish she would open up to me, but I know she must still be in shock. From what I gathered, she had no idea she was even pregnant.

I close the door to her room and find Marcello waiting outside, leaning on the baluster.

"Everything all right?" he asks when he sees the slight frown on my forehead. I give him a brisk nod. He holds out his hand for me, and I take it, entwining my fingers with his. We go to his office, and he pours two glasses of scotch. Handing me one, he takes a seat across from me.

"How's Claudia?" he asks.

"She's good. Mrs. Evans started teaching her at Enzo's house."

He nods, lowering his gaze to his glass.

It's almost surreal to be back here. For the past two months, Marcello hadn't left my mind. I kept wondering how he was doing, but I didn't want to intrude or impede his progress, so I'd stayed away. I'd lost myself in my designs, and I even found a market for them. Who knew that people were so hungry for handmade stuff? It had started as a hobby, but soon I started earning money too. I think that had been the most shocking thing. As the daughter of a capo, I wasn't expected to work for money, but to leave all that to my husband. When I'd seen my first check, even though it had only been a couple hundred dollars, I'd been more than thrilled. I'd seen my first shot at independence.

But then he called. I don't think I've ever been as happy as when I'd seen his number pop up on my screen. I'd had plenty of time to think about our relationship, especially with Enzo's constant interference. His dislike of Marcello continued, and so he tried to change my mind every chance he got. But I never faltered.

I want him or no one else. I think I even convinced my brother, because when I'd rushed to the hospital, he hadn't even argued with me, offering to watch Claudia while I was away.

"And you? How have you been?" He raises his eyes just a little. Where is the confident Marcello from before? The one that was about to take me in a storage closet?

"I started my business. It's going well, I think." His mouth curls up.

"You think?"

I shrug. "People seem to like my designs."