Page 160 of Monster in Disguise

"Amelia, Amelia. You know, you were my favorite growing up. You were always the kinder one to me. But now?" I make a tsk sound with my tongue, and she pales. "Why did you do it? Why Nicolo?" I ask, half-bluffing.

"I..." She stammers, and I can see the guilt on her face.

"Why, Amelia, why?"

"I love him," she bursts out, more emotion coming out of her than I've ever seen before.

"You love him," I repeat, tilting my head and studying her.

"I was pregnant and alone and he helped me. He was so kind, so thoughtful. Even when I miscarried he was there for me, supporting me. He even confronted your father on my behalf. And you know what Giovanni did? He laughed." She curls up her lip in disgust. "He laughed for raping me and ruining my life!" Her eyes are tearing up and she lifts a hand to catch the tears. "Nicolo was so good to me... so good."

"So good that you basically served my wife on a platter to him. You were the one planting those messages, weren't you?"

"He won't harm her. He promised."

"Amelia, Amelia." I shake my head, seeing that there's no reasoning with her. In her mind, Nicolo is a character larger than life — her savior.

"The moment you targeted Lina, you lost," I say, regret swamping me as I turn on the only person who made my childhood a little more bearable.

But no one messes with my Lina. No one.

Just a few months ago,I stood at Tino's grave. Now, I find myself in the same cemetery, but this time, Nicolo has chosen a different spot for our meeting. I can feel the weight of my family's history as I approach the towering crypt that serves as our resting place. It's like a double-story house, an imposing structure meant to showcase our wealth and status.

I enter through the screeching door, hoping that I'm not too late. My heart races as I think of Lina, waiting for me inside.

Please let me be on time.

The interior of the crypt is reminiscent of a grand mansion, with various rooms leading off from a central space. As I check each room on the ground floor, I can't help but feel anxious. Finally reaching the basement where the tombs are located, I hear my uncle's voice booming with excitement.

"There he is!" Uncle exclaims as I descend the narrow stairs. At the bottom, the basement opens up into a vast room supported by four thick pillars. Nicolo stands in the center, his arms wide open and a malicious grin on his face.

My eyes scan the room until they land on Lina's delicate form. She's bound to one of the pillars, her head drooping against its icy surface. The sight fills me with fury.

"Lina?" I call out, taking in her disheveled appearance and the way her entire being shrinks away from my presence.

Does she hate me that much?

I turn back to Nicolo, hurling the present I'd been holding towards him.

Amelia's head rolls on the ground, her eyes wide open and staring at my uncle.

"So you figured it out. Pity. She was a good lay." He shrugs, kicking the head further with his foot. Catalina shrieks when it rolls past her and stops at a close distance.

"I think your wife may be more disappointed in this than me." He chuckles as Lina's eyes widen with fear. Even when she turns to me, her entire being seems to be revolted by my presence.

And it breaks my heart.

"Let her go. She has nothing to do with this."

"Ah, see, there you're wrong. She has everything to do with this. She is your main trigger, isn't she?" Nicolo asks, amused.

Lina's eyes turn to me, and the pain I see reflected in them makes me want to take on the king of hell himself.

I try to convey with my gaze that I will take care of this, but I'm not sure even I believe myself at this point.

"What do you want, Nicolo? You want my position so bad you'd resort to this? Take it, it's yours," I state, my eyes moving from him to Lina.

Nicolo's eyebrows shoot up a second before he throws his head back and laughs.