"And whose fault is that?" Claudia snaps before storming out of the room.
"Claudia!" I call after her desperately, but she's already out of sight.
Damnation! This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. She's already bonded with him, and suddenly I'm the bad guy for separating them.
What would she do if she knew he's her father?
She'll understand... She must.
I'm still ruminating about how to best handle Claudia right now when someone knocks on my door.
"Come in."
Allegra peeks her head inside, a shy smile on her face. Shocked would be an understatement for what I'm feeling as I see her walk inside, her countenance completely different from before.
"Am I bothering you?" she asks in a voice that I don't recognize. Too saccharine and lacking her usual bite.
"No," I frown. "What did you want?"
"Enzo called. He said the house's been compromised."
"What do you mean?" I draw back, panic overtaking me.
"He wants us to go to a safe house. It's urgent. Get some things; a car is waiting for us."
"Let me get Claudia." I stand up, grabbing some clothes on my way.
"She's already in the car with Luca."
"Why didn't she come to me?" I ask. It makes little sense. Claudia would have come to me first...
But then I remember our argument and I sigh. Okay, maybe not this time.
"Never mind, lead the way."
In front of the house, a big SUV is waiting. Allegra is the first one to get in the front seat. I don't even think as I get in the back.
"Allegra? Where are the children?" I ask, noting there's only one other guard in the car, but no sight of either Claudia or Luca.
Allegra chuckles, shaking her head in amusement.
"You really fell for that."
"What?" I frown, immediately making to open the car door. Just as my fingers touch the handle, the man in the other seat presses a cloth to my mouth.
My eyes go wide and I start struggling. It's only for a moment, though, as I lose consciousness.
I wakeup with a massive headache, my eyes barely opening.
"Wake up, bitch." I think I hear Allegra's voice before she slaps me across the face.
The blow is strong enough to make me see stars, but also to get me more alert.
"Claudia... where is Claudia?" Good Lord, did she harm my daughter? The mere thought of something happening to her has me trembling wildly with fear.
As I regain my awareness, I realize I'm lying on the floor, my hands and legs bound. Allegra is pacing in front of me.
"I don't care about your daughter." She shrugs her shoulders. She stoops in front of me, a disgusting smile stretching on her face. "But you... you're finally going to get what's coming to you."