Franco immediately makes a go for it, but Marcello is one step ahead of him – literally. There's a soft sound as the eye gets squished under Marcello's shoe, and Franco becomes hysterical.
I don't even have time to process as I'm being whisked away by my husband.
"What was that?" I whisper in confusion. The entire episode had been... I'm simply shocked.
"I may have implied that he can get his eye reattached, if some conditions are met."
"He can?" I ask in wonder.
"Not anymore."
We get inside the car, and the entire ride home, Marcello doesn't let go of my hand.
As he drives, I sneak glances at his profile, and I fall for him a little more.
For some people, his actions may seem too cruel, but for me, they meant the world. No one's publicly stood up for me before.
Marcello doesn't know it yet.
But he's just become my guardian angel.
The momentwe make it home, he swoops me into his arms and takes me to my room.
"Shh, don't speak," he whispers in my hair as he lays me down on my bed, his wild eyes assessing my torn dress and my bruised flesh.
He turns his back to me and goes into the bathroom. I can hear the sound of water, and I think he's drawing me a bath.
"Marcello?" I ask tentatively.
He reemerges, coming towards me slowly. With an anguished look, he falls at my feet and puts his head on my lap.
"I'm so sorry. You have no idea how sorry... It's all my fault," he cries, his voice full of emotion.
My hand goes to his hair, and I slowly run my fingers through it.
"It's not your fault, love. It's not." How could he have prevented that man from assaulting me? In the women's restroom of all places.
"What you did for me... how you defended me." I shake my head, my eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "No one's ever done that before. No one's stood up for me like that. And because of that, you're my hero," I tell him tenderly.
"I'm no one's hero," he speaks after a brief pause. "Hero... me," he gives a dry laugh. "If you only knew..."
His hands come around my middle, and he hugs me.
"So sorry," he keeps mumbling.
We stay like that for a while, and I revel in the warmth of his body next to mine. I feel safe... so safe. Taking me in his arms once again, he enters the bathroom, placing me next to the almost-filled tub. Marcello looks conflicted as his gaze moves from me to the tub and back to me.
"I..." he starts but shakes his head. "I'll be outside." He visibly swallows before turning to leave.
"Wait, please!" The words are out of my mouth before I can overthink it.
"Stay." I don't know where this courage is coming from, but as I look into his eyes, I know I can do this. I can show him my most vulnerable self.
With shaky fingers, I pull at the side zipper of my dress and shimmy out of it. I'm now standing only in my bra and underwear. Marcello's gaze darkens as it moves over my form, and a shiver goes up my spine.
I can do this!
Before I chicken out, I stretch my arms behind me and snap the clasp of my bra, letting it fall.