Page 83 of Monster in Disguise

"True." She accepts my explanation. "What about the shirt then? Shouldn't you take it off too?" Her question is innocent enough, but I'm not ready for her to see my back yet. Not soon.

"I can do it myself if..." I change the subject, but she cuts me off.

"I'll do it."

She takes the towel and dampens it before coming in front of me.

"Can I?" She seeks my approval before touching me, and my heart threatens to burst in my chest.

"Please," I guide her hand until it's resting over my ribcage. She dabs at the blood, her movements soft and tender.

"Thank you," I say. I could have easily just showered, but having her do this? It's like a dream come true.

She's so focused on her task, she doesn't realize she's going increasingly and dangerously lower. When she's past my belly button, I have to stifle a groan. Does she even know what she's doing to me? Just a little lower and she'd see just how much she affects me.

But I don't want to scare her. Not yet.

I grab her hand and bring it over to my mouth for a soft kiss. She must have noticed all right... judging by the pink stain on her cheeks.

"I can't help it, you know. Not when I have a beautiful woman touching me." I lean forward to whisper in her hair. She giggles slightly, and the sound is pure music to my ears.

"I... Thank you," she replies, the red spreading to the roots of her hair.

After the blood is off my body, I try to get her to go to her room and get some sleep.

"Can I stay with you?" Lina asks, and I wish I could say yes but...

"Not now, Lina. You saw how I can get during the night. What if I hurt you?" I shake my head, knowing full well how bad my night terrors can get.

"You won't!" she immediately says. "You didn't last time."

"I don't trust myself. Maybe in the future. But now? I won't take any risks." I move closer to her, intent on showing her this isn't me rejecting her. It's me protecting her. Even if it's from myself. I caress her cheek with the back of my hand before leaning over and brushing my lips over hers.

"Go," I whisper.

She looks at me for a moment, her eyes full of yearning, but she does as she's told.

Damn it!

I need to get a hold of myself. Even if that means therapy again. I need to do this for Lina.

Everything I ever wanted is within my grasp. I just need to be brave enough to take it.


Claudia pouts at me, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. "I didn't realize how long this would take," she complains, shifting impatiently in front of the full-length mirror. I continue to focus on pinning her dress properly, trying not to let her attitude get to me.

"It takes time to create a masterpiece from scratch," I reply, my fingers deftly adjusting the hem of the skirt.

Finally satisfied with my work, Claudia steps in front of the mirror and gasps in delight. A pleased smile spreads across her face as she turns and twirls, admiring her new dress.

"I love it!" she exclaims, beaming at me.

"See, it was worth all that time and effort," I say with a smirk.

She looks at me teasingly and says, "Given that's the only time you can spare for me..."

I can't help but laugh at her suggestive tone. "Hey now, that's not fair. You have your lessons during the day," I remind her.