Page 63 of Monster in Disguise

The body of the nun had been placed in the middle, on top of Jesus's form. The killer had spread her arms out to mimic the position of the crucifixion, while her legs had been secured together with rope.

She was still dressed in her habit, but the cloth had been ripped in the middle, effectively baring her to the entire world. The white of her coif had splatters of blood all over it.

There is a big C on her forehead, carved seemingly with a nail. Maybe even one of the nails that is now holding her secure to the wall. Her mouth is half-open, her tongue cut. I can't see well from this distance, but I'm suddenly curious to see if she has any teeth left.

I step closer.

The nun's entire torso had been cut open; her organs taken out. Instead, they were laid on the altar table as offerings. The heart was placed on a silver plate.

To the right, a medium-sized cross had the intestines wrapped around its indentations like a serpent. The lungs were next, all cut into small pieces next to a chalice full of red liquid — blood. I have to wonder if this is supposed to emulate the Eucharist.

I hear a gasp behind me. Catalina brings up her hand to her mouth as she looks in disbelief at the scene in front of her.

"Who would do this...?" she whispers.

Assisi is studying the nun's form, her gaze intent on the hollow in her chest cavity.

Vlad is a few steps behind us, keeping a moderate distance. I can see he's trying very hard to avoid staring at the blood.

Why did he even come?

"This looks eerily similar to what happened to Father Guerra," Assisi comments, pointing at the body. "His insides had also been tampered with. Well, not inthismanner, but quite similar."

"But who would do that? We still don't know who dug up Father Guerra and put him in the graph..." Catalina shakes her head. "And why?" She steps closer. "Why the C?" Catalina is focusing on the nun's face when Assisi narrows her eyes.

"Wait..." She goes towards the altar and stops right in front of the body.

"Assisi, what are you doing?" I ask.

"I think I saw something glint in there..." She frowns and looks closer, almost sticking her head inside the nun's stomach.

"Assisi," I repeat, and I hear someone groan.


Assisi raises her hand and inserts it into the body, her nose scrunching up in concentration. She explores the contents of the cavity, as if searching for something hidden within its depths.

"For God's sake, Sisi!" Catalina's eyes widen. "What are you doing?" She makes to go closer to my sister, but I put a hand up to stop her.


"Damnation!" she says. Her hand resurfaces and her fist is full of something.

She stalks towards the altar table, her steps heavy and purposeful. With a sudden release, she unclenches her fist, and a cascade of bloody teeth spills out onto the crisp white tablecloth with sickening thuds.

I recoil in horror at the sight, my eyes wide with shock and disbelief. My gaze shifts to Vlad, who stands beside me, his expression mirroring my own dread.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a silk handkerchief, carefully dabbing at the beads of sweat on his forehead before stepping closer.

"Well, well. This is quite an unexpected development." His voice is laced with curiosity as he leans down to examine the teeth before recoiling in disgust.

Assisi rolls her eyes at his dramatic reaction and returns her attention to the body, unfazed by the gruesome display on the table.

"There's something else. I couldn't get it before." She inserts her hand again and rummages through the contents of the nun's stomach.

It's funny how Vlad's looking at her in half-awe, half-distaste.

"Here!" Assisi exclaims, and she withdraws a crumpled piece of material.