"Positive. The technician identified a small scar on his thumb that is also present on the partial print."
"Fuck!" I mutter, rage building inside of me. "Thank you. I'll deal with it."
"Tell me if you need anything."
After I hang up, I take a moment to calm myself. It won't work to anyone's advantage if I dive into this with my mind clouded. Nicolo has played me enough as it is.
But why?
I still can't imagine why he'd go to such lengths to get to me. Does he want my position? It seems a little extreme to do this for years just to become capo. Something doesn't add up.
Time is of the essence now. I can't dwell on the reasons when Lina is in danger. I fumble with my phone and call Francesco, instructing him to assemble all the high-ranking members of the famiglia. He soon confirms they will be here within the hour.
There are around ten of them that hold significant positions. More than half are Nicolo's men, so they should havesometype of information.
After gathering some tools from the basement, I ask Amelia to lead the guests to the drawing room when they arrive.
Wait for me, Lina! I'll find you!
I arm myself with a couple of guns and knives, knowing that none of the men will have weapons as it is disrespectful to enter armed in the Capo's home. When Amelia lets me know that they are here, I steel myself. I need to make this quick.
Entering the drawing room, the men are deep in conversation. When they see me, they stop and greet me. I keep a nondescript expression, and I turn to lock the door.
"You're probably wondering about the urgency of my message." I explain, taking a seat on the couch. "My dear uncle, Nicolo, has gone rogue. I want any information you may have on him. Now."
They start clamoring, some expressing disbelief, some professing his innocence. I focus on the latter.
"Mateo, you are a close friend of my uncle's. Why don't you start?" I tilt my head to the side, a bored expression on my face.
"I know nothing, capo. I'm not his keeper." He shrugs his shoulders, and I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Then how is it you've been following himeverywhere?" I counter.
"That's not true. I don't know who told you that, but I've done nothing wrong." He immediately deflects, and I shake my head slowly.
"Who said anything about accusing you, Mateo?" I stand up and walk towards him. His head is bent low as he sees me advance. He's trying to seem meek, but I see the slight pull of his mouth, the way his body itches for a challenge.
One slim blade in hand, I tug it under his chin, lifting his head to look in his eyes.
"Mateo, Mateo... What should I do with you?" I ask hypothetically, wanting to gauge his reaction.
He laughs nervously. "You can't do anything."
I push the sharp edge of the blade just under his Adam's apple, and I watch as he gulps anxiously.
"So you have nothing to say? I'm giving you one chance." I say, my eyes on Mateo.
"No." He replies, raising his gaze to meet mine, trying to show a strength that's lacking. I can see the fear in his body slightly shying away from me, the barely there tremor of his lips, and the tiny trickle of sweat on his brow. He's scared.
"Ok. Good." I nod, taking a step back as if moving to another target. Just as he breathes out a sigh of relief, I move. So fast he barely has time to react, I open his mouth and grab his tongue. One slice and the muscle falls down, blood pouring down his face. "Since you have nothing to say, then you shouldn't say anything."
His hands cup his mouth, trying to stop the blood.
"Let's try again. Do you know where my uncle is?" The room atmosphere changes immediately, and a few men remove guns from the inside of their coats, all aiming at me.
"So that's how it's going to be." I muse, taking a step back and raising my hands up, feigning surrender. At the same time, I click on the remote control I'd been holding.
The large TV in the room springs to life, the screen split into tiny windows, all showing men holding families hostage.