"Lina, there was a time that absolutelyno onedared to go against the Lastras. Everyone who wronged them ended up dead – killed in the worst manners possible. When his father died and Marcello went missing, no one mourned them. Like a stain in the five families' history, they were promptly forgotten."
"But... that doesn't mean he'd do something like that to me." I try to explain to him, but even to my ears, it sounds fake. "He wanted to marry me, right? Why would he...?"
Enzo places a cigarette in his mouth and lights it up. He inhales a few times before blowing a cloud of smoke. He shrugs.
"I'm not saying that hedidit. I'm only saying he's capable of doing it."
His casual manner doesn't help with my already increasing panic. No, I'm sure Marcello wouldn't do that. I know him, don't I? I know how gentle and how kind he is. How could such a person... I shake my head, not even wanting to go there.
"If you're so preoccupied by what a stranger said, you can always do a DNA test to confirm your doubts."
"That would mean I strongly suspect him."
"No, that would mean you get a result, confirm it's not him, as you clearly believe, and then move on. You're so stressed right now about the possibility that itmightbe him you can barely function." Enzo aptly points out everything I'd been thinking about, and I have to agree with his line of reasoning.
"You're right. I don't think it's him. But I'll do it just to be sure."
"Good. I'll take care of it. You just need to collect some hair samples from Claudia and your husband. I'll have someone drop by to pick them up."
"I'm scared," I admit for the first time.
"Lina, as much as I don't like your husband, if you believe he didn't do it, then I trust your judgment. It is possible someone is just trying to drive a wedge between the two of you."
"I've thought about that. But I'm still..."
"You need to be certain. I can respect that. I'll make sure you have the results as soon as possible."
My hands tighten over the unopened envelope. Enzo had sent one of his men to deliver it to me. It had taken less time than I'd imagined, less than a week.
But now I face the biggest decision. Open it and find out the truth, or discard it, forget about the entire thing, and trust my husband. It doesn't help that Marcello and I are closer than ever. Last night he'd gotten one of his night terrors, and I'd comforted him throughout the night as he'd shared some things about his monster of a father.
So many pieces just don't fit in this story, and it's making me more confused than ever. With a sigh, I put the envelope in a drawer.
I'll do it later.
Maybe I'm afraid of what I'm going to find out... I shake my head, telling myself there's only one likely outcome, and that is anegativeresult.
Pushing it out of my mind, I leave my room and head downstairs. The girls are in the drawing room as usual, playing a game. Even though there is a five-year difference between them, Claudia and Venezia have quickly become best friends. Sisi is present too, sitting in the far corner of the room, book in hand.
"So you've decided to join civilization again?" I joke as I take a seat next to her.
Sisi looks up at me, a guilty smile playing on her lips.
"I know I haven't been around much. I've been trying to find myself." She sighs. "It's weird being free to do whatever I want for the first time."
"I know what you mean. But tell me, does that include a certain Guerra boy?" She lowers her head, and I can spot a blush. So that's how it is.
"We're friends. I think we understand each other. Tell me about you and Marcello." She turns towards me, changing the subject.
"We're good," I confess. "More than good. He's wonderful." Sisi's eyes widen for a second before she bursts out laughing.
I frown, not understanding her outburst.
"So I'm wonderful." Marcello's amused voice echoes from behind me. I whip my head around, and there he is, smirking.
"You shouldn't eavesdrop," I raise an eyebrow at him.