Page 121 of Monster in Disguise

I shake my head, feeling a strange mix of amusement and disgust at the irony of it all.

Most of my past experiences are nothing more than a blur in my mind now. I'm not proud to admit it, but atsome point, drugs and alcohol became necessary tools to make it through those hedonistic gatherings. Whatever memories weren't blacked out by overindulgence were surely buried deep within my subconscious.

My lip curls in disgust as I recall unwanted hands roaming over my body.

No, I refuse to dwell on those memories.

But despite everything, I owe Lina an apology for my harsh words earlier. I know I was too brusque with her. In fact, I almost revealed the truth about my decade-long infatuation with her.

This day has been filled with one complication after another—from Lina's nightmare to Benedicto's unexpected visit, and now to the discovery of some questionable paperwork. I'd managed to calm myself down a little regarding the first two, but the document I'd found had made me restless.

Restless enough that I'd almost snapped at the only person I'dneversnap at.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes, trying to calm the tension that is already building in my body. My hand reaches for the drawer where I keep my stash of burner phones, and I pull one out and start dialing Francesco's number.

He answers after a few rings.


"Did Valentino ever mention anything about visiting an asylum?"

There is a brief pause on the other end.

"Yes, he used to visit one a few times a year. Why do you ask?"

"Do you know who he was visiting there?"

"No, I accompanied him a couple of times but I never went inside."

"I see," I respond grimly. "I need to go there too. Meet me at the asylum tomorrow at ten."


I hang up, feeling even more agitated than before.

"Damn it!" I curse under my breath.

Quickly getting dressed, I make my way to my study. I grab the document I had found earlier and read over it again.

Male. Fifty-seven years old. Born on November second.

Just like my father.

The same man I thought I had killed.

The man who had turned me into a monster; who had taught me everything about torture and murder.

The man who was closely familiar with Chimera.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" Frustration boils within me as I throw the document onto the table. How did I not consider this before? Yes, I left him to die, but I never received confirmation that he did. When Valentino took over, I just assumed that was the case.

"Fucking hell!" My teeth grind together as anger courses through me, directed mainly towards myself. Because of my recklessness, my family is now in danger. Again.

Of course.

My father would be first in line to want revenge against me, and his expertise lies in psychological torture. Not only did I betray him, but I also attempted to end his life. If this man is truly my father...

I shake my head, feeling a wave of fear wash over me at the thought. But I need to be certain. I need to see with my own eyes if this man is indeed my father. And if he is, then I will make sure he stays dead – this time for good.