Page 25 of Savage Mafia King

I frown. "James? My cousin Alex, that's his middle name, but..."

"So you have no idea who I'm talking about."

"Of course I don't," I reply. "What are you… what's going on, Marcus? Why did you take off like that this morning? What happened?"

He frowns. I can tell he doesn't believe me. It's like I'm looking at an entirely different version of the man who was holding me in bed this morning, a man who looks the same but who's been infected by doubt.

"My cousin was attacked," he tells me slowly. "Giovanni. And our uncle, James, he's in on it. He's working with the Castellanos."

My breath catches in my throat. "Oh my God, Marcus, I'm so sorry—"

"And he says you have something to do with it."

Cold terror washes through me. I shake my head, hands trembling. I can vaguely hear the distant conversation of people around us, the normal chatter of students as they go about their business, but it sounds like it's coming from a million miles away.

"He's lying," I tell him at once. "You have to believe me, Marcus, he's lying. I would never—"

"Why do I have to believe you?" he demands. "You kept me busy last night. You made sure I wouldn't be around when my cousin got jumped. What else have you been keeping me away from, huh?"

"We made a deal, Marcus!" I exclaim, hardly caring now if anyone hears what I'm saying. "We agreed to work together so we could… so we could protect both of our families. Do youreally think I would put my brother at risk like that for no good reason?"

"I don't know what you're capable of," he growls.

I take a step back from him. I see the man I've always known him to be staring back at me, that terrifying specter who will take out anyone who dares wrong him. I want to fight my corner, but the words wither on my tongue.

"I'm not working against you, Marcus. I never would. You really think I could have done everything that we have done, and..."

"I need you to prove it."

"What do you mean?"

"I need you to prove that you're not working with the Castellanos or my uncle." He eyes me for a long moment, like he suspects that I might shut him down before he can go on.

I stare him down. "Yeah? And how exactly do I do that?"

"There's a fight tonight," he tells me. "And we know that one of the Castellanos has been working there, taking money, causing trouble. I want you to come to the fight with me, and when I confront him, we'll see if he knows who you are."

My stomach drops, not because I've been found out or because I'm fearful that I'm going to be exposed. No, nothing as obvious as that. It's because he doesn't trust me, because he really thinks I could do something like this to him, after all we've been through, after all we've shared. It's infuriating, and I wish there was some way to get him to see that I'm loyal.

"Fine," I snap back. "If that's what it takes. Pick me up from my apartment later tonight."

"At 8," he replies, his eyes narrowing. "And if you think you can run from this..."

"I've got no reason to run, Marcus. I'm not going anywhere."

The two of us stare each other down for another moment. I don't let my gaze waver for a second, even though I feel like I've been stabbed in the heart. He's the one who said that the two of us couldn't have faked this, that our connection goes far deeper than just some act. But now...

Now, he's asking me to prove the same thing to him. And if that's what he needs, then I'll do it.

I turn on my heel and stalk off, already pulling my phone out of my pocket to call a cab to take me to my apartment in town. There's no way I'm going to expose any of the sorority girls to Marcus or his shit. I'm sure there are already plenty of rumors swirling around about what's just happened between the two of us, the argument we just had in the middle of campus, but I find it hard to care.

No, the only thing that matters to me right now is proving myself to him, one way or another.

No matter what it takes.

Chapter Thirteen—Marcus

We drive in silence. I can feel the anger coming off her in waves, and I can hardly blame her. She's clearly pissed that I'm even making her contend with these accusations against her, but if she thinks I'm going to let this drop just because of the connection we share, she's got another thing coming.