I frown at him. Is he serious? After everything, he still thinks he has a chance with me?
“We are perfect for one another,” he continues. “We can be powerful together. Don’t you see that? A powerful goddess and a powerful god.”
I let out a strained laugh and press my hands against my hips. “That’ll never happen.”
“I knew your father.”
I drop my arms to my sides and stare at him. “You’re lying to me.”
He takes a couple steps forward. “I am not. I wouldn’t lie about this.”
I narrow my gaze at him and fold my arms. “Why haven’t you told me this before?”
He moves closer, and when I shuffle back again, he raises his hands. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Although I can’t believe anything that comes out of his mouth, I know deep inside that he wouldn’t hurt me. So I stay put as he stands before me and then traces my cheek with his fingers. His touch sends a shiver across my spine.
“If you do as I say,” he says, “I will help you find him. I know where he is.”
I frown. “How can I trust anything you say?”
A smirk spreads over his lips, and I know I’m not going to like the answer.
“Because. What other choice do you have?” he asks.
I follow Amaros back to the castle, and we land outside on my balcony. It both frightens me and excites me, being alone with him right outside my quarters, and I mentally kick myself for having such thoughts. This male has lied to me my entire life. He has burrowed his way into my heart, and he has tricked both Astelle and me into thinking he loves us.
And he probably had sex with your sister,my subconscious reminds me, and I screw my face up at the thought.
“What is it?” he asks as he steps way too close to me.
I back up until the cool glass of my balcony doors presses into my spine, but he moves closer still. He leans in, his breath hot on my cheek. I close my eyes and breathe in his earthy scent that’s somehow both dangerous and alluring.
He moves his hand to my side and slips it under my leather corset. I flinch, but he keeps a firm hold on me. He slides it up until he’s tracing my breast.
Gods above, how is this male able to do this to me? His lips press against my neck, and although half of me wants to throw him off, the other half, the traitorous half, is enjoying herself.
“I trust we can keep this between us? After all, you heard her. She wanted to go with him.” His voice is soft against my cheek.
He nips the bottom of my ear, and I shudder at the sensation.
He slides his hand between my legs, and a moan escapes my lips.
Gods above, Zarla, get it together.
I try to push him off, but he doesn’t move an inch.
“You watched me with her, didn’t you? Did you like what you saw?” he murmurs.
I swallow hard, trying to pretend that no, I didn’t watch, and no, I definitely didn’t like it. But deep down, I know I did. Not because I enjoyed seeing him with her, but because I wished it had been me.
Gods above, what is wrong with me? I love Kyle.
“Answer me. Did you like it?”
“No…” I whisper, and even my voice betrays me.
He puts his hand on my throat and gently presses against it. “Don’t lie to me.”