Page 42 of Wings of Betrayal

“Run!” Finlay shouts again.

This time, I do. The creature screeches again, but I don’t dare look back as I run as fast as my legs will allow through the forest. I release my wings and take to the skies. I know it’s following me by the sound of large, swooping wings cutting through the air behind me.

Finlay! Help me!I scream through the mind link.

What do I do?he asks, panicked.

I take a sharp turn and dive back down toward the forest floor where I fly low, darting between trees in an attempt to lose it. It screeches again, and the sound is deafening as it echoes throughout the forest.

An idea pops into my head that could either go incredibly well, or it could be incredibly stupid. I spin around and fly backwards, facing the creature as I build my powers between my hands.

It’s much closer than I expected, and its head thrashes about as it flies with erratic and sudden movements. Once my power is strong enough, I blast it at the creature and knock it to the forest floor. It rolls a few times and crashes into a tree, snapping the tree in half.

I hover in the air a moment before deciding it’s safe to land, then gently glide down to the ground. I ready another burst of power and aim it at the creature. It moves its head in my direction, much slower this time, and lets out a weaker, almost muffled growl.

Blue blood oozes from the corner of its mouth, and although a part of me doesn’t want to harm this creature, I know I don’t have a choice. I blast it with my power, and it streams into the creature, absorbing quickly. The creature’s skin cracks as white light bursts from within it, blasting it into pieces.

Zarla, what’s happening?Finlay asks.Where are you?

Sucking in a breath of air, I stretch my arms above my head, cracking my back.I’m not entirely sure, but I think I’m near the Gateway. I’m okay.

My mind reels. If that can happen to a deceased Zelon, what can happen to an angel? Is that how the lost ones are made? Once a creature is marked by a lost one, if they die, they become one of them? I instinctively reach around to my back to where I was scratched. Does this mean that if I die, I will become one, too?

A shift in the air steals my focus, and Finlay swoops down, his large silver wings blowing my hair up around my face as he lands before me.

He surveys the area before settling his gaze on me. “You okay?”

I bite the inside of my cheek. “I think so. That was insane.”

Voices sound nearby, and we both turn in that direction.

“Let’s check it out,” I suggest.

We wander through the forest toward the voices, keeping as quiet as possible. It’s difficult with leaves and sticks covering the forest floor, crunching beneath every step we take, but we manage to keep noise to a minimum. I spot the clearing through the trees where the gateway is located, and angels are gathered there. We move closer until we’re able to get a better view.

Who is that?Finlay’s voice sounds in my head, and I’ve never been happier to have this annoying, but handy, gift.

I squint into the darkness as I try to make out who it is, and then I gasp.It’s Amaros.

I can practically feel Finlay tense beside me, and I stifle a laugh. He doesn’t like the male, and I don’t blame him.

What is Amaros up to? We need to get closer. I gesture for Finlay to follow me as I creep over to the tree line surrounding the clearing and duck down behind a large fallen log.

Angel hearing and sight are heightened compared to other creatures, particularly humans, so I can see and hear, even from this distance.

Several watchers stand near the gateway, their brows furrowed and their bodies tense. They’re clearly having an in-depth conversation about something pretty important by the looks of it.

Amaros gives the watchers a nod and walks away.

Follow him. And be discreet,I tell Finlay.

Finlay nods and disappears back into the forest.

The watchers chat amongst themselves for a moment before passing back through the gateway.

Keep this between us for now, okay?I say.

Yeah, okay,he replies.There’s something else I need to mention. I saw Amaros visiting Astelle in her quarters earlier. Just thought you might want to know.