What is wrong with him? Not even an hour ago, he was almost having sex with my sister. My stomach turns and I grimace at the male who feels more and more like a stranger to me. I rear back slightly.
“No. I can never be with you. Not after everything you have done. Do you really plan to take over the Kingdoms? Is that what you were helping Hethenos do?”
He shakes his head. “Of course not. I only meant that one day, when you took over the Kingdom from Harlum, that wecould be together, that we could rule together.” Sensing my doubt, he adds, “Astelle means nothing to me.”
He reaches out to touch me, but I flinch back.
“No! Do not touch me!” I run down the corridor and outside the main doors, then release my wings and take off into the sky.
I don’t bother looking back to see if he’s following me. There is somewhere I need to be. The only place I should be. I fly to the Gateway of the Gods and cross into Zarquon then make my way to Kyle’s castle. The guards allow me in, and I’m barely down the corridor when I spot Kyle heading in my direction.
I rush into his arms as tears flow down my cheeks, and he holds me, rubbing soothing circles over my back.
“It’s okay,” he tells me as I sob into his shoulder. “What happened? Why haven’t I been able to sense you?” He pulls back and looks at my hand. “You’re not wearing your ring?”
I suck in a breath so I can respond. “I took it off after…”
He pulls me in close. “I’m sorry.”
“Amaros knows. He knows my memories are back. I need you, Kyle. You’re not putting my life in danger because youaremy life. You are everything to me.”
He gently steps back so we’re staring at one another, and I reach up and brush my fingers over his lips. Gods above, I’ve missed him. His steel-blue eyes search mine, and I can sense his worry for me, which soon morphs into lust.
His lips crash against mine, and I am consumed by him as we devour one another. Our mouths move in sync as if we are made for each other, and I’m starting to believe that we are. His hands twist in my hair, and he grips hold of the back of my neck and tugs me closer.
Too soon, he’s breaking the kiss, leaving me panting hard.
“I missed doing that,” he says. “I missedyou.”
He strokes my cheek, his touch electrifying my skin.
It’s amazing how he can do that. How we can have that kind of effect on one another.
“I have missed you more than words can express,” I tell him, then reach up and cup his cheek. “Don’t abandon me like that ever again. Okay?”
He pulls me into his chest and holds me, and it’s the best feeling in all the Kingdoms being in his arms.
“Never again. I promise.”
I breathe in his delicious scent, and it instantly calms my anxiety from the argument with Amaros. Gods above, what must Amaros be thinking? I’m not looking forward to going back home, but I know I need to. Harlum will send messenger angels to take me back if I don’t.
I reluctantly break the hug and step back to look at Kyle. “Come with me. To Silanthia.”
His brows draw together, and I tense, awaiting his answer. He’s been there before, and although he doesn’t have the greatest memory of my Kingdom after what happened to him, it’s still my home. I’ve visited him in his many times now. I need him to visit mine again.
He takes my hands in his and stares into my eyes. “Are you sure I’ll be welcome?”
“Of course. You were at the council meeting. The three Kings agreed to allow angels to move freely between the Kingdoms. And yes, I know that was regarding lost ones, but I’m the King’s daughter. At least, he still thinks I am. So I have more freedom. No one will question it.”
He arches a brow at me. “No one?”
I know he’s referring to Amaros, who, of course, will question it. In fact, he’ll be pissed. But I don’t give a shit. He doesn’t own me, he’s not my father, and he’s not my guard anymore, either. I can do what I want.
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I want you there with me. Please.”
He takes in a deep breath and looks up at the sky for a moment before blowing it out. “Okay, I’ll go.”