Gods above, that hurt.
Zarla? You good?Finlay’s voice fills my mind.
I roll onto my stomach gasping for air, my vision blurry, and then slowly get onto all fours. My head pounds, and I reach up and feel moisture there. Shoot, I’m bleeding.
What the fuck, Em?
Zarla? Answer me!
No, I’m not good. Em tried to kill me,I tell him.
Okay, that may be an exaggeration. She can’t have known the wall would disintegrate, but I wouldn’t put anything past that bitch. She’s hated me from the get-go, and she’s clearly still in love with Kyle.
What the fuck? Where’s Kyle? I’m coming to find you!Finlay says.
Has Kyle noticed I’m gone? That I’m hurt? I can sense him through the bond, and he seems calm. Why hasn’t he sensed that I’m not, though?
I slowly get to my feet and stumble, and when I look up, I freeze.
No, no, no. Oh, this is bad.
I’m in the cave we spotted from above, surrounded by lost ones. My throat closes, and I can’t seem to take in a decent breath of air. Gods above, this is bad. Crouching down, I attempt to control my breathing and eventually manage to get it together.
I glance up and spot the tunnel entrance where the others will be, but I can’t see them.
Finlay, no. You have to find Astelle. I’ll be fine.
Where are you?
I dab at my head and bring my hand before my face. The blue glow of the orb is enough to show it is, in fact, blood. I feel a bit dizzy, but I have to stay conscious. Scanning the cave, I notice the lost ones appear to be in a trance. They’re not moving. It’s as if they are drawn so deeply to this orb that they’re unable to take their eyes off it.
Damn it, Zarla, answer me.
Sorry, I’m in a cave filled with lost ones guarding the weapon. I hit my head, but I’ll be okay.
What the fuck! You have to get out of there. Now!
I roll my eyes.Thank you, Captain Obvious.
I’m serious, Zarla. Find a way out of there. You can’t take on that many lost ones alone.
By the gods, therearea lot of them down here.No, I think I’m okay. They’re in some sort of trance. They don’t even know I’m here. Have you found Astelle?
There’s a pause before he replies,Yes, but she’s heavily guarded, and she’s with Zalore.
Kyle’s concern finally crashes through me. He’s noticed I’m missing. Finally.
I send him calming vibes in an attempt to let him know I’m okay. If only we could communicate the way Finlay and I can.
Okay, hang tight. Once I’ve got this orb, we will come and help rescue Astelle.
Don’t do anything stupid. Wait for the others to help you.
I glance up once more and spot Kyle and Nilo peering down into the cave. When Kyle’s gaze locks with mine, his protectiveness flows through me, which soon morphs into extreme concern. Although he’s far away, I can feel his anxiety creeping into my chest.
Even though we don’t share a mind link, I talk to him anyway.Please don’t do anything stupid and come down here. It could snap them out of their trance. Just stay there. I’ll be fine.
I look through the hordes of lost ones toward the orb and take in a deep breath.