Page 129 of Wings of Betrayal

Lacinda rolls her eyes, and Demetros stifles a smirk. Gods, I love those two.

“I’m going to portal us inside. I needed to be able to view the building so I could get us in.”

Em scoffs. “And not accidently portal us into another males apartment?”

I glare at her.

“Look, are you sure about this?” she asks.

I swear I could slap her. Instead, I just ignore her, and she lets out a huff and storms down the alleyway.

She’s just anxious, that’s all,Finlay says into my mind.

I look at him, knowing he’s about to go and comfort her.She is annoying is what she is. We have no other choice but to portal in there.

And you’re confident you can get us in?he asks.

Yes. Without a doubt.

Shrugging, he wanders down the alleyway toward Em.

I turn to Kyle. “Do you think it’ll work?”

He leans up against the brick alleyway wall and folds his thick arms across his chest. “It better. We could still go with my idea. It’s not too late, you know.”

I laugh. “Seriously? You want us to burst through the main doors and fight our way inside?”

He smirks, and I know he isn’t serious.

The last time the watchers led me through the main doors, they weren’t heavily guarded, but there could still be watchers everywhere when we get in. We have to be ready for anything.

“Alright, is everyone ready?” I ask, and they all nod.

Closing my eyes, I raise my hands and reach for the same cooling sensation. I will it to the surface and focus on opening a portal into Zalore’s castle. Although I can’t be certain where the portal will open, I’m confident I can open one.

“It’s working,” Lacinda whispers.

I continue to focus on the portal until I can feel that it’s wide enough, and then I open one eye to check and to make sure I haven’t opened it inside a room full of watchers. I haven’t.

“I’ll go through first,” Kyle says.

I continue to maintain my hold on the portal as he steps through, and the others follow Once everyone is through, Kyle holds his hand out to me and I step through it and allow it to snap shut behind me.

We all follow Kyle through the vast foyer where my portal has led us. The decor is black, from the black marble floors to the black crystal chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings.Everythingis black.

“I think it’s time to split up,” Kyle suggests. “You guys need to locate Astelle within the castle, and fast. We will meet again soon. If not here, then back in Zarquon.”

Everybody nods in agreement.

“What if we can’t find her or things turn to shit?” Zed asks.

Kyle pins him with a hard stare. “Then you bail and get back to Zarquon. That goes for all of you. You get out. Understood?”

Everyone agrees, and then we split into our two teams. I give Lacinda and Demetros a big hug, and then we go our separate ways.

Stay in touch,I tell Finlay.

I will. You too.