“What ability?” Lacinda asks.
I glance at Kyle and then gaze back at them. “I can control them.”
Lacinda shifts her focus to the lost one. “Controlthem?”
“I know it sounds crazy, but yeah. And open portals, too.”
Demetros folds his arms over his chest. “Well, that’s something I’ve gotta see.”
I chuckle.
“Show us?” Lacinda asks.
I take a deep breath and move closer to the bars. The lost one fixates on me and starts screeching and flailing about. I squeeze my eyes closed and dig for the cool sensation deep within. Once I locate it, I will it to the surface and send it out through my hands toward the lost one. The screeching stops, and I open my eyes to find it just standing there, staring back at me, seeming dazed.
I use my hands and my mind to will it to move to the back of the cell and up against the wall. It hovers in the air and slowly drifts back, doing exactly what I want it to.
“Woah, that’s freaky,” Demetros whispers.
Lacinda whacks his arm. “It’s impressive is what it is.”
“Try a portal,” Kyle suggests.
I release the lost one from my hold and refocus my ability outside the cell, away from where we’re all standing. Then I squeeze my eyes shut and picture Earth. Something tingles up through my fingers. I can sense the portal opening. The portalcontinues to grow, and once I’m sure it’s big enough, I blink my eyes open.
Lacinda and Demetros stare in amazement.
“That’s incredible,” she breathes.
I then focus on closing the portal, and it snaps shut.
Kyle pulls me into his side and kisses my cheek. “You’re gaining more control.”
I smile up at him.
“How did you find out you could do that?” Lacinda asks. “It’s amazing!”
“My mother told me. She could do it, too. And my father encouraged me to try it.”
“Your…father?” she asks.
I realise there’s a lot they both don’t know as it’s been some time since I’ve seen them. I explain sneaking into Galespo to find my real father and how I met Grazen. I explain how we found Atticus, that he helped us fight lost ones on Earth, and has acknowledged being my real father. And I tell them about the lost ones attacking Zarquon, the subsequent battle, and how I managed to control several lost ones at once.
There’s a lot to explain, and by the end of it, they’re both staring at me like I’ve just told them the craziest story ever. I suppose, in a way, I have.
“It’s a lot to catch up on,” I say.
Lacinda lets out a long breath. “Just a bit. That’s big, Zarla. Finding your real father.”
Demetros steps over to where the portal had been opened and waves his hand through the air as if he may be able to feel it or something.
I laugh. “It’s gone, Demetros.”
He turns to face me and rubs his chin. “Do you think you could open a portal long enough for us all to go through it?”
I bite my bottom lip as I consider that. “I’m not sure, but there’s only one way to find out.”