Page 110 of Wings of Betrayal

I scuttle behind a large boulder, praying to the gods I won’t be seen, and search for my connection to Kyle. When I can’t find it, my heartrate kicks up a notch.

Shit, I hope that’s only because I’m in this realm, and not for another, more sinister reason.

I dig deep for my ability, hoping I can open a portal and get the heck out of here, but when I reach for that feeling, it’s not there. My lungs squeeze, and I breathe deeply to calm myself down.

It’ll be okay. You’ll be able to find a way out. Maybe you’re too strung up to open a portal right now, but you can try again later. No big deal.

Without much of a choice, I venture through the dead forest toward the city with a vague plan to stick to the shadows in the hopes I won’t be seen. Maybe I can even try to find another weapon of the gods. It makes sense if there’s one here, too.

I reach the edge of the city and pass through a large black iron gate to get in. It’s not guarded, although that doesn’t entirely surprise me. Who in their right mind would be stupid enough to sneak into this city?

I slink through the shadows and stay on high alert as I pass between buildings. Strange creatures lurk in the streets, hunched over with black spiky fur, and they move about on all fours. They growl often, their mouths gaping open to show off their jagged, sharp teeth.

I swallow hard, hoping they don’t spot me. Lost ones also move about the streets, and I hide from them as best I can as I turn a corner and head down an alleyway. Hopefully I can find a way out of here, but without opening a portal, I don’t see how I’ll get back.

My second attempt to open a portal fails. Shoot, why won’t it work? With no other option, I continue to sneak through the shadows.

And then I see it. A large open portal sucking lost ones through it when they get too close, almost like a vacuum. I move closer and see Earth through the other side. By the gods, it’s a portal back to Earth.

For a moment, I consider jumping through, but something holds me back. I may not get another opportunity like this again. Another weapon of the gods is here. I know it, and I have to see if that’s how Zalore and Amaros are controlling these lost ones. The weapon is the key, and it makes sense that there wouldbe three of them. One here in The Realm of Lost Souls, one in Galespo, and one in the Spirit Realm.

I continue through the streets until I spot a bunch of lost ones passing through doors into a tall glass building. It’s positioned in the center of the city, and it’s got to be at least thirty stories high. Something about it seems important, and my gut instinct is telling me to go inside. That’s where the weapon will be.

I wait for the next few lost ones to pass through the doors, and when I see an opening, I hurry through after them. Rushing across the vast foyer, I sneak toward a high metal wall and hide behind it. Several watchers group together, and I’m not all that surprised to see them here, knowing Zalore is involved in this.

They’re talking about their masters, and how they must protect the weapon.

Bingo. Weapon.

They pass through a door near the back of the foyer, and I pursue them, ensuring the coast is clear before I pass through myself. On the other side, lost ones are everywhere. I hide behind some large black shelves near the edge of the room before I’m spotted.

And then I see it. The familiar blue glow.

A blue orb, glowing in the centre of the room, hovering in midair, identical to the one I saw in the Spirit Realm. That’s got to be it. Lost ones gather around the orb in a similar trance to the lost ones in the Spirit Realm. The group of watchers file in around them.

“This weapon is to be guarded at all times. We have been instructed to keep the weapon secure. We are not to allow anyone in without clearance,” the watcher in charge firmly states.

The other watchers nod.

“King Zalore’s instructions were clear. It is to be guarded at all times. Understood?”

They all nod again.

A loud screech sounds, and my gaze snaps to a lost one who has spotted me. Suddenly, all eyes are on me.

I slowly back up toward the door I came through. The watchers rush toward me.

“Seize her! Do not let her escape!”

I spin around and run as fast as I can through the foyer and back out the main doors. Gods above, don’t let them catch me. I get out of the building, where I make a beeline for the portal.

Please don’t get lost, please don’t get lost.

Feet pound the pavement behind me, but I don’t dare to look back. My only focus is getting to that portal. I ready myself to close it once I’m through. I dig for the same cooling sensation, and this time, I find it. Thank the gods for that.

The portal comes into view. There aren’t any lost ones too close by.

“Don’t let her through it!” a watcher shouts from behind me.