My control slips, my energy pool running low, and I don’t think I can hold it much longer. My arms shake, and sweat beads on my forehead. Sensing my struggle, Kyle moves in toward the guards.
“Take it now! She can’t hold it much longer,” Kyle instructs.
The guards look somewhat confused, but they take out that same wire I’ve seen used before and wrap it around the lost one. My legs shake, and I drop to my hands and knees on the cool stone ground.
Kyle hurries to my side and wraps an arm around my shoulder. “You okay?”
Once the two guards have the lost one under control, the third one walks over to us. “What were you doing just now with that lost one? How did you do that?”
“She’s tired,” Kyle states. “Now get that damn thing out of here, and don’t lose it. Are there any more?”
I squeeze my eyes closed and take in deep breaths through my nose, trying to clear the haze from my mind.
“We’ve killed a number of them. The one that was taken to the cells attacked the guards, and it had to be killed. Apollon wasn’t happy about that, so we’re going to take this one to be locked up.” The guard doesn’t wait for a response, and the three of them move down the corridor and out of sight.
Kyle rubs circles over my back that somehow help to soothe me. “Let me get you to bed. You need some rest.”
I just nod, too exhausted to speak, and he scoops me into his arms. I tuck my face into his shoulder and breathe in his cinnamon scent. Gods above, he smells good.
He chuckles and carries me all the way back to his quarters then sets me down on his bed. He pulls the covers back for me, and I climb in. My head must’ve only just hit the pillow before I drift off to sleep.
The following afternoon, after sleeping for almost twelve hours straight, Kyle and I make our way down to the healers’ chambers. I told him I want to see if they need any more help, and I don’t care what it takes. I will heal whoever needs it, regardless of what it may do to me.
Kyle didn’t argue, and I could see how proud he was of me, his mate, at that moment.
We open the doors, and it’s a lot calmer in here compared to the previous night. Apollon and Zeta speak with the lead healer, and Kyle and I head over to them. They both hug us, even Apollon.
“Thank the gods you’re both all right,” Zeta says. “It’s been one hell of a night. The healers have done wonders for the injured.”
Apollon looks at me. “As have you, so I’ve been told.”
My cheeks flush as I glance down at my feet. “Oh, it was nothing.”
Kyle pulls me against him. “It wasn’t nothing. She was incredible. She saved a lot of our angels.”
Just his touch alone calms me somewhat, and I’m able to relax. I’ve tried to keep my healing abilities as secret as possible, unsure how others will react knowing I have more than one power. Although, as it seems, that is a common trait amongst the gods.
“Thank you, Zarla. You risked your own well-being to take care of our kind. For that, we are forever grateful.” Zeta clasps my hands in hers, her kind eyes glistening in the light as tears fall down her cheeks. “You are a worthy mate for our son, Zarla. We are so blessed that you have joined our family.”
She quickly wipes her tears away, and Apollon wraps an arm around her waist to comfort her.
“Thank you,” I tell her. “I was more than happy to help then, and I can do so again now, if needed.”
The lead healer moves closer and places a hand on my forearm. “We were so very grateful you were here last night. We have several injured angels who we couldn’t help. Perhaps if you have the strength, you could heal them, too?”
I give her a nod, and she leads me away, where I heal another eleven angels. It doesn’t drain me as much as the previous night. Whether that’s because I have replenished my energy or because my body has grown used to the demand, I’m not sure.
I turn to find Apollon and glance across the room to see Zeta and Kyle in deep conversation.
“Kyle told us what you were able to do,” Apollon says. “With the lost one.”
I swallow hard, my chest constricting. The last thing I want is for anyone to think I’m a danger or there’s something wrong with me.
As though sensing my concerns, he gives me a kind smile. “It’s okay. We will keep it between us for the time being. But this is a very valuable trait to have. The lost one captured in the castle, thanks to your help, is being kept in the cells. Perhaps you could practice your ability, see if you can gain a better understanding of how it works. It would be useful to understand the extent of it.”
I tuck my hair behind my ears and think on it a moment. Being able to safely practice may not be such a bad idea. If I can hone my ability and control this lost one, just as I did with those five during the battle, maybe I can control even more of them at once.