Page 103 of Wings of Betrayal

More lost ones close in, and I ignore Em as they surround us. We don’t have time for this bullshit.

Several lost ones home in on me, and just as I’m about to attack, a kick lands on my back from behind. I lose my footing and fall down to my knees. Assuming it’s another lost one, I lookback to find Em smirking, and she then jogs away, leaving me to fend for myself.

Five lost ones circle me.

I jump to my feet, ignoring the ache in my knee, and raise my hands in front of me. And then something strange happens. An energy deep inside me I’ve never felt before surfaces, and although I can’t see it, I know it’s seeping out of my hands toward the lost ones. They stop moving and appear to be in some sort of trance, standing completely motionless, their focus seemingly locked on me.. I frown in confusion, lowering my hands while they stand frozen, and then I reach for my sword.

What in the gods…

With no time to figure out what the hell’s happening, I swing my sword, cutting through two of them at once. I then throw my sword down, reach for my daggers from my thigh straps, and charge at another one, stabbing it in the chest and neck. It lets out a screech that pierces my ears and then falls hard, bleeding out on the grass. I build my powers between my hands and blast the two remaining lost ones across the field.

I glance over to spot Em watching me, her mouth gaping open. She then turns and runs off into the battle.

What the hell have I just done? The battle rages on all around me, so I shove that thought down for the time being, promising myself I’ll revisit it later once we get through this shit storm.

We continue to battle the lost ones until all but one are slaughtered. Apollon ties the last remaining lost one up and instructs several guards to transport it into the cells.

“We’re not going to kill it?” I question.

Kyle rushes over to me and pulls me into his arms. “Thank the gods you’re okay.”

Blood seeps through his leathers on his chest, and I immediately use my healing powers to seal the wound.

He stares down at me with disapproval. “Conserve your energy. You need it yourself.”

I brush my hand over his cheek. “I will always have enough for you, my mate.”

The lost one screeches, stealing my attention as it’s dragged away up into the skies by several guards.

“Why won’t they kill it?” I ask.

Kyle slips his arms around me from behind, holding me against him. “Father has a plan.”

We watch as they fly back toward the castle grounds, the lost one’s screeches echoing over the Kingdom. They slowly fade into the distance, leaving the eerie silence of the battle’s aftermath. I scan the fields, taken aback at the carnage left behind. Dead lost ones lie scattered about the fields in every direction, as well as many archangels.

My lip quivers as I try to hold myself together, and Kyle hugs me tighter.

“What can be done about the angels? If they turn…”

“The army will stay behind and deal with any who turn,” he says.

I spin around in his arms to face him. “When I visited the Spirit Realm, I spoke to my mother. She told me I have a special ability, just as she did.”

His brows pinch as he looks down at me. “What ability?”

I glance to the side to ensure no one else is listening and lower my voice. “She said I can open portals to and from the realms. That I can control them. That’s how I have been able to get into the Spirit Realm.”

His lips part in surprise, and I can sense his amazement and concern all at once. “That sounds dangerous, Zarla. Have you tried to do it?”

A loud screech sounds in the distance, and I whip my head in the direction to see a guard kill an archangel who had turned.

I shiver, and Kyle gives my hand a squeeze.

“Come on. Let’s get back to the castle. They may need some help back there.”

I nod, and in all honesty, I can’t think of anything I’d rather do. I’m beyond exhausted, and I’m a little concerned about whether I’ll even be able to fly at this point.

Kyle releases his wings, and I do the same and then fly alongside him back to his castle. The sunset is as beautiful as it is deadly looking this evening, with gorgeous hues of gold mixed with streaks of red that resemble blood. It’s quite fitting, given the battle that’s just taken place.