“How did you know where to find them?” I ask him.
Finlay shrugs. “I have my ways.”
I shoot him a side smile and then leap into his arms. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
I do, and you’re welcome,he says through our mind link.
We all sit down on the grass in a half circle and watch the endless humans pass by, oblivious to our presence. It’s such a gorgeous city, wherever we are.
“So, how’s everything going down here?” I ask. “Where’s your human?”
Demetros points to a couple who are having a picnic across the park. “That’s Michael and his girlfriend.”
The protective glint in his eyes warms my heart, and Lacinda shares it, too, as they watch their human.
“I’m happy for you both,” I tell them.
Demetros narrows his eyes. “I believe you, but you’re not happy. I can feel it. What’s going on?”
He can always tell when I’m a bit off. I’m not even trying to hide it at this point. Things are messy. More than messy, in fact.
I sigh and scratch my forehead. “There’s so much to tell. My life’s a mess.”
Lacinda scoots closer to me and drapes her arm around my shoulder. “Whatever it is, we can help you get through it.”
I fill them in on the Amaros and Kyle drama, and I can tell by their shocked expressions that it wasn’t what they were expecting.
“Amaros? Really?” Lacinda asks as she fiddles with the ends of her fiery-red curls. “Didn’t think he had it in him.”
“He’s a piece of shit,” Finlay adds.
I scoff at that.
Demetros arches his brows. “So why did you kiss him back, then?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. It’s like he drew me in somehow, and I couldn’t fight it. He really is a decent male. I don’t know why he felt the need to ruin everything with Kyle.”
Finlay laughs, and I glare at him.
He holds his hands up in apology. “He felt the need to fuck it all up because he wants you for himself.”
Demetros looks between Finlay and me. “I agree. But as interesting as all of this is, there’s something we need to tell you.”
He glances at Lacinda, and I’m thankful for the change in subject.
I shuffle around into a more comfortable position and eye them both. “What is it?”
“Strange things have been happening down here. For one, we’ve seen watchers and lost ones interacting together, as if theyare working with one another. And…” He looks at Lacinda again. “We’ve seen watchers killing guardians.”
I gasp. This is really happening again?
“And we’ve also seen lost ones killing guardians and archangels, too,” he adds. “But the strange part is that we’ve never seen lost ones killing watchers.”
My brows pull together. “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would lost ones spare the watchers?”
And then it occurs to me that maybe Zalore is trying to set Zarquon up by making it look as though archangels are killing guardians by having his watchers do it. Would he really go to such lengths?
“Have either of you felt in danger?” It’s an important question, because if they have, then this may be a bigger issue than it already is.