“I hope so,” he chuckled, dropping a soft kiss against her temple as he drew her close, holding her in his arms. “I missed you so much.”
“Same here,” she admitted. “Things will change now, well, in a year from now. I’m going to try to get something on the West Coast or Alaska, so I can be closer to you.”
“Just get assigned someplace safe – and I’ll come to you.”
“And we’ll have our first date…”
“And a second one…”
“And a heckuva first kiss – unless you’d like to do that now?” she encouraged, looking up at him. “How would our first kiss even start? Maybe we should practice or…”
“Chloe,” he began and then drew in a shuddering breath, closing his eyes for a moment before looking at heragain. “You are so special to me, and I don’t want to rush things or ruin it.”
“A practice run,” she whispered, lifting up on her toes and curling her arms around his neck. “We could practice each time we see each other and…”
Her breath faltered as she dropped a soft kiss on the corner of his lips, feeling him sigh as his stiff shoulders suddenly relaxed. His hand that was on her back was now cradling her face as her lips parted in anticipation of a kiss that was six years in the making.
“Oh, Chloe,” he breathed, brushing his lips softly against hers before nipping on her lower one, teasing it. “Our kisses will never be rushed or quick… but long, slow, deliberate,” he whispered to her, punctuating each word with a faint kiss that teased at what would be coming someday between them. “I want to taste you, savor you, and lose myself…”
– And both froze as they heard someone clear their throat nearby.
“Second Lieutenant King, you’ve got someone at the front desk asking for you.”
Chloe felt J.J. stiffen slightly as he pulled back and glanced at his watch. The change in him was noticeable as he withdrew. She reached for him and saw a flash of pain in his eyes.
“J.J., it’s my parents,” she volunteered. “Why don’t you come meet them? They’ll be surprised to see you and…”
“Chloe, I can’t distract you or ruin things for you – and I’m already creating a problem by being here.”
“What do you mean?”
“You think getting caught kissing a soldier in the hallway is a good look for an officer? No, you need to tell them that I was leaving – and tell your parents the same. Orbetter yet, don’t tell them I came here because I don’t need your father making problems for me.”
“He wouldn’t.”
“I’ve got to catch my flight.”
“J.J.,” she whispered painfully. “Just come and say ‘hello’ – if we want to start laying the groundwork for our relationship, then it needs to start at some point. Say ‘hello,’ and then you can head out for your flight, but don’t leave or run away like you’re my dirty secret. We’ve kept this quiet for years now, and I’m tired of hiding how I feel.”
“I’m not going to choose between you and my family – so you’ll both need to figure this out eventually.”
His lips pressed together as he looked at her warily… and nodded. She clasped his hand in hers, nearly dragging him down the hallway toward the entrance of the building where she saw her parents standing – and saw her mother lay a hand on her father’s shoulder the second they spotted J.J. behind her.
“J.J., how are you?” her mother began, looking at her curiously. “It’s been a while, and you look wonderful.”
“Mr. and Mrs. King, how are you both doing?” J.J. began politely, holding out a hand to her father – and Chloe swallowed nervously.
“Daddy, J.J. flew in to say congratulations on my graduation – and he’s getting ready to head back to the base. Wasn’t that sweet of him?”
“Very,” her father said, moving to shake J.J.’s hand finally as he stared him down. “Very sweet – and noted. How are your parents, young man?”
“They’re doing well, thank you.”
“And your sister?”
“As annoying as ever,” J.J. replied, chuckling as hermother smiled, winking at Chloe. “She’s spoiled rotten and gets away with murder.”