“Mr. Murray?”
“He’s my backup plan,” J.J. chuckled easily. “Do you mind? I mean, it’s not a glamorous job, but if you ever, um, well, if we made things serious between us someday, then I could provide for you.”
“What are you saying, Mr. Post?” she teased breathlessly, knowing what he was implying as her heart swelled in her chest at his words.
“I’m saying it might be a heckuva first date since we’ve had to wait so long for it to actually happen, Miss King. I promise that after the first date if you can see fit to bless me with a second one – we are not waiting another six years for our chance at happiness.”
“Do you promise?”
“I swear it with everything I am.”
“Then go home, set up things, make your plans, and learn your trade… while I’ll be crossing my fingers for orders to Juneau someday,” she whispered tenderly.
“Don’t make me wait forever.”
“Would you though?”
“For you – I’ll be waiting at the edge of eternity for as long as it takes.”
Chloe stood with her classmates, staring sightlessly ahead as the sound of J.J.’s voice washed over her soul, comforting her like no other. These crowds made her nervous, and she felt like she blended in instead of standing out. She wanted to be seen, to be noticed, to feel like she mattered, and here she just disappeared among a bunch of uniforms, but in J.J.’s eyes – he saw her, the real version of that scared girl who wanted to be accepted and loved.
Tossing her cap up with everyone else, it was a bittersweet celebration.
An hour later,Chloe was heading back to her room to change before meeting with her family for dinner. As she walked into the building, traversing these hallways knowing that her time here was ending very soon, she moved quickly, spotting her doorway.
Opening it, she walked inside – and froze.
There, waiting on her pillow, was a sprig of mistletoeand a card with her name. Chloe yanked open the doorway to her room, darting out into the hallway, looking for J.J. in almost a panic. She wore the charm under her uniform every single day without fail, keeping it close to her heart. That little charm was her reminder that she had someone in this world for her…eventually.
And caught her breath as she spotted him.
His closely cropped blond hair and camouflage uniform were unmistakable in a sea of blue, white, and gold colors. He gingerly raised a hand and stepped backward out of sight as she came around the corner – nearly tackling him in a hug.
“You’re here…” she sighed almost painfully, pressing her face against his shoulder and trying not to cry as she breathed in his familiar scent. It had been so long since she’d seen him other than an occasional photo texted secretly between them.
“Of course I am,” he whispered, smoothing his hand over her back. “I couldn’t let my favorite person in the universe graduate without celebrating her special moment, now could I?”
A sob tore from her throat as she cracked, reaching up to cradle him even closer to her. Her hand rubbed the back of his shorn head, causing her to laugh tearfully as she backed away to look up into his face. His eyes were shining brightly, gazing at her with so much unspoken emotion as they stared at each other. His thumb caressed her cheek as his jaw worked, swallowing before he spoke again.
“I’m so very proud of you, my little queen.”
“How long are you here?”
“I fly out in an hour. The guy talking at the podium was awfully long-winded,” he muttered, making her laughtearfully at his words. “I thought he’d never hush. I mean, it was beautiful, but I was scared that I wouldn’t get to see you.”
“How are we supposed to have our first date if you leave in less than an hour?”
“I barely was able to come. I had to swap duty assignments with one of the other fellas just so I could catch this flight. We’ll have to take yet another rain check,” he smiled ruefully, caressing her cheek again. “But I needed to be here for your graduation. I couldn’t miss this.”
“I’m so happy you are.”
“Hold me,” she whispered, knowing that time was ticking away. Her parents were expecting her shortly, and he was going to have to catch his flight. “This isn’t fair anymore. I’m tired of all the hiding and missing each other.”
“I know – and I’m sorry.”
“People would say we’re a couple of fools…”