“Wouldn’t he get a kick out of hearing that you’re the prude in the relationship?”
“I’m not a prude.”
“Dude, you are absolutely a prude.”
“I’m just not going to ruin our relationship or do any damage that cannot be undone before we get married.”
“Well, you’d have to ask me to marry you first.”
“Chloe, we’ve talked about that too,” J.J. sighed, looking at her impish smile. “You know I want to ask for your father’s permission first – and they are flying up to see you in two weeks.”
“Have I mentioned that I was an impatient child?”
“Have I mentioned that I already knew that?” he retorted, meeting her smile as he slid the pan of chicken breasts into the oven. “Who do you think ratted you out years ago at Christmas for peeking in the stockings?”
“You didn’t!”
“I sure did – because you beat me to it.”
“That’s it. We’re done.”
“Whatever – and, no we’re not,” he laughed at her false bravado that was so easy to see through. His beloved Chloe talked a big game sometimes and as he looked over his shoulder from where he was standing at the sink washing his hands, he saw the challenge in her face as she puffed up her chest and threw back her shoulders.
“No, but don’t you toss me under the bus because you were too slow to make your move, Buster. You just need to speed up your mojo or get a little more devious when you are around me.”
That was his girl… running her mouth to look tough.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, ‘really’…”
“You want more devious and quicker?”
“J.J. Post – the quicker, slicker, never-picker-upper Post-man that you can always count on to deliver at a certain time, just like clockwork… no excitement, no challenges, andnooorush – ever.”
“Are you calling mepredictable? Chloe, you just wait,” he chuckled, quickly drying his hands and tossing the towel on the counter before grabbing her by the waist. “You want devious and quicker, then you better brace yourself for what is coming.”
“For what? Huh? What are you gonna do?” she pushed, her voice breathless and full of emotion as she waited expectantly. He could see it in her eyes and felt her soften in his arms as he pulled her close. Her beautiful eyes held his as she whispered once more, almost taunting him. “Why should I brace myself?”
“For this,” he whispered, kissing her tenderly.
An hour later,they were sitting on the couch watching the movie together and snuggling – and it was always in the same way.His Chloe was the predictable one,he mused, pulling up her favorite blanket to cover her shoulder tenderly. He always sat on the left corner of the couch with one leg out of the way so she could sit down and lean against his chest. She had grabbed a favorite throw out of the closet that he’d bought for her to keep her warm… a pink, fuzzy chenille throw that was decidedly feminine.
“I love you,” she mumbled as he kissed the top of her head.
“I love you too, my queen,” he breathed, treasuring how good life was between them as his mind raced silently. He would let nothing ruin what they had growing between them.
“This is the best,” she sighed, snuggling down against him as her elbow dug into his stomach slightly – and he wouldn’t utter a word. No, this really was the best moment ever, and he never wanted them to end. It was times like this that he wished he could scoop up her sleepy form and carry her to bed.
He would love to cuddle with her all evening long, just holding her close. It wasn’t about sex, passion, or anything dramatic between them. They were everything good, beautiful, and tender. She was his best friend, his soulmate, his very rock, and he was hers.
Anytime Chloe needed something, it was his ultimate joy to provide – which was why he waited for her. She needed time to be able to train, fly, and fulfill her dreams, and he gave her all of the time she needed because he lovedher. He would forever be humbled that she adopted the endearment he used as her call sign – Queen.
It was her nod to him, a way to show her love.
It was his nod to her surname because he intended to change it.