Page 16 of Forever Foolish

Swallowing at the affection in her voice, he hesitated, feeling himself get emotional at the understanding that all of their waiting, their lives running opposite of each other, all of it was coming to an end – and they were finally getting their chance.

“I’ll see you soon.”

Hanging up the phone, J.J.’s hands were trembling at the overwhelming relief tearing through him. He wasalmost in tears, realizing that he wanted to really impress her, make her feel welcome and had so much to do.

“Is everything okay?” Mr. Murray asked quietly, looking at him with a worried expression. “Your girl got assigned to the base here, right?”

“She’ll be here Saturday.”

“That’s good, right?”

“That’s the best news I’ve ever gotten,” he admitted openly, feeling joy course through his veins – as well as worry.

There was so much to do, and he was still setting up a home slowly. He moved in three weeks ago and is still painting the walls. Buying a house wasn’t on his radar, especially without Chloe’s say. When the little two-bedroom house came up for sale just down the street, he had spotted the sign on his way to see an apartment. The payment would be almost the same – and he made a U-turn in his life once more.

He signed the papers, shocking his parents.

This time, he wanted them to know how serious he was about this coming change to his life once more. He’d done as they asked, put Chloe’s career first, and gave everyone their moments and the space they needed between the two of them. That time was over now - and this feeling growing inside him was more powerful than he ever realized. Holding back the love he felt for her was impossible.

Texting his parents, he smiled.

Chloe is being stationed here. Can we talk over dinner?



I’m here – and ready to go!

I just pulled up and was hoping you’d say that. I’m in a green pickup truck.

Changing outfits several times, Chloe finally decided to text J.J. because she couldn’t stand the wait anymore. It had been years, and they knew each other. It didn’t matter if she was wearing a pretty dress or jeans and a cardigan… this was J.J., and he would accept her without hesitation. She unwound her hair from the bun she always wore at the back of her head so it fit easily under her helmet and smiled at the large curls cascading down her shoulders.

Walking out the front door of the barracks, she didn’t have to wonder or look around for where he might be waiting. J.J. was there, standing in front of his truck, holding a bouquet of deep red roses for her. His smile was brilliant, and it felt like home. Immediately, without hesitation, shebegan jogging in his direction, crossing the small expanse between them, and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him.

“Oh gosh, I’ve missed you,” he breathed against her shoulder, hugging her close. Closing her eyes, she made no motion to move away as she stood there in his arms, just holding him tightly, needing this. “I brought you some flowers.”

“I saw,” she whispered, realizing he wasn’t letting go either.

“I wanted our reunion to be special.”

“It’s perfect,” she began, choking out the words at his slight chuckle, thick with emotion. They were both overcome and afraid that if either let go, this precious bubble might burst, letting this dreamlike moment fade away. “Hi,” she said simply.

“Welcome home,” he breathed, dropping a kiss against the side of her head, hugging her once more. “Are you hungry? Do you want to see a movie, or maybe we could drive around and see the northern lights at the beach.”

“I don’t care, so long as we’re together.”

“I’m not letting you go again.”

“Good,” she chuckled tearfully, pulling back slightly and smiling at him as she touched his cheek. “Just hang on tight and never let go.”

“Done,” he uttered softly, taking her hand and laying a kiss on her palm. “Come, my beloved queen. There’s so much I want to show you.”

“J.J.?” she began as he moved to open the passenger side door of the truck. “Take me somewhere where we can dream and be alone. I want it to be just us.”

“As you wish.”

Taking a seat in the truck, J.J. handed her the bouquetof roses and then closed the door, moving to the opposite side. As he climbed in, she couldn’t help but marvel and stare at the man she loved. Gone was that boy who liked to pick and goad at her, replaced by something so recognizable, so spectacular that people would never understand the draw and pull between them.