Liam walks in behind me, and my sister’s face looks like a woman about to be on death row.
“I’m going to kill you—”
“Whoa, hold on. What’s wrong?”
“Where did you two run off to?” my sister asks as Liam slinks past us.
He’s always been a little scared of my sister, and I can’t blame him.
“We went to talk. I told him it’s over. Why? And where is Brent?”
“He went looking for you. Then David just got a text that he left for the airport.”
He left?
“When did he leave? And why?”
“I don’t know. Did you see him? Did you talk to him when he finally found you with Liam?”
“Oh my God,” I say under my breath, looking down at the floor and imagining what Brent must have seen.
“That’s not reassuring, Zoey… what did he see?”
I let out a sigh.
“Liam down on one knee, probably.”
“That’s it. He’s a dead man!” she says, spinning around to find Liam.
I grip her arm.
“He’s not worth jail time tonight. Your flight is in a couple of hours,” I tell her.
“I doubt Brent thinks hitting Liam wouldn’t be worth a night in the slammer.”
“Shoot! Brent… I need to find him. He probably thinks…”
“That your plan to win Liam back worked?” she asks with a raised brow.
I want to smack her and remind her that she’s the one who said using Brent as my fake boyfriend was a good idea, but it’s her wedding day. I’ll wait to scold her after her honeymoon.
“I have to go. I need to find him.”
“Thank God. Yes, go!” she says, handing me my camera bag and then shoos me away.
I yank off my heels and then swing my laptop bag over my shoulder so I can run for the hotel room. Maybe a part of me thinks he hasn’t left yet, that he’s still packing, and we’ll have this long conversation about everything. I burst through the room to find no trace of him or his things.
He left.
There’s a note on the round entry table with a ziplock of trail mix and the keys to the car rental.
For your flight home tomorrow. Congrats on your engagement. We made a good team.
My heart shatters that he thinks I’m still hoping that our fake relationship will amount to Liam wanting to be with me. I guess that’s exactly what I made Brent think, so I shouldn’t be surprised.
I grab for my cell phone inside my laptop bag and dial him but it goes straight to voicemail. He must have turned his phone off for the wedding.