Zoey shakes her head.
“That won’t work. Couples don’t stay in separate hotels. Liam won’t believe we’re dating if you’re staying in a different hotel.”
Is she about to suggest what I think she is?
“What do you want me to do?”
She lets out an annoyed sigh.
“I guess you’ll have to stay with me.” She doesn’t bother to hide the frown across her lips at the idea of it.
Though I’m surprised she’d offer this up, maybe being forced to be this close together will finally make her realize that prom was a long time ago, and she’ll finally forgive me and let it go.
I’m not expecting another shot with Zoey. I fucked up too big to get another chance. I just want to be granted release from the cone of silence I’ve been stuck in for the past decade.
She turns to me quickly, whipping her pointer finger in my direction. “But so help me, Brent, if you try anything in that room—”
I turn towards her, insulted she thinks I’m the only one capable of making a move.
“Now, hold on a second… why would it be me trying something with you?” I say defensively. “Especially when I saw you checking me out earlier before you saw who I was.”
I wasn’t planning on calling her out, but after accusing me of being capable of trying to pull a fast one on her, she deserves it.
I can see the fluster in her face. She didn’t think I caught her.
She attempts to recover quickly.
“Are you kidding? Do you really think that after what you did to me ten years ago that I would have any interest in doing anything with you? I’m not that desperate.”
That’s the first time a woman has ever declared that it would take desperate measures to consider spending the night with me.
I can’t allow myself to focus on the fact that the only woman I’ve ever wanted for longer than one night can barely stand being in the same room as me. If I want to keep this arrangement and make my Gran happy, this argument ends now before Zoey backs out.
“We’re in agreement. Neither of us will make a move. Now that we have that cleared up, I can stay in your room with you if that’s what you want but remember that this was your idea. I’m happy to stay in my own hotel room down the street,” I tell her.
I offer out my hand to shake on our new arrangement.
“Am I going to regret this?” she asks, staring down at my hand.
I can’t predict the future, but I can uphold my part of the deal. I’ll make Liam jealous which won’t be hard considering our past, and I won’t touch her in that hotel room.
“Most likely not. But I should warn you that I’ve been told I talk in my sleep.”
She rolls her eyes.
“What, from the many puck bunnies you keep on rotation?” She scoffs.
Hell no, I never stay overnight with any of them. It’s one of the rules I keep.
“No, from the players I have to room with when we’re out of town for games.” I say, giving her a low-brow glance.
“Oh…right,” she says, a soft pink warming at her cheeks.
Her eyes drop to her lap for a second as if she feels silly for assuming.
“Do you snore?” she asks, her eyes reaching back up to mine with a cocked brow.