I tuck my camera into my bag, and Brent watches every step I take across the crowded dance floor toward him while my uncle jabbers at him… probably about the San Diego Blue Devils team, which is everyone’s home team in this room but just so happens to be the Hawkeyes rival team.
I pass the halfway mark on the dance floor, and I see Brent stand when he realizes I’m headed straight for him.
I see him say something to my uncle, like “I have to go.” Or, “Please excuse me,” and then he pushes his chair back and walks out and around the table.
He meets me at the edge of the dance floor.
“Hi,” he says with that brilliant smile that’s probably only half real teeth with how many fights he’s gotten in on the ice.
It doesn’t make it any less swoon-worthy, though.
“Hello,” I say back.
“Will you dance with me?” he asks, holding out his hand. “I have some making up to do for missing prom.”
I nod and put my hand in his.
“You do… and alotof making up, by the way,” I tell him, giving him a playful side-eye.
“I know." He walks me onto the dance floor a little farther and then pulls me around, wrapping his right arm around my back and his left in mine. “I’m sorry for what I did. You didn’t deservethat. If it’s any consolation, I would do it differently if given the chance.”
I’ve heard the apology before, but what I really want is an explanation.
“Why did you do it, then? Couldn’t you have practiced slapshots the next day?” I ask, my eyes pleading to get closure on this so that I can understand, and we can move on.
“I can’t tell you exactly why, but I thought I was doing the right thing.”
“Why can’t you tell me?”
“Because I don’t want you to pick me only because you hate him now,” he says. “I want to be your first choice… not the backup choice.”
“What?” I ask, my eyebrows furrowing.
He shakes his head.
“I promise you that the reason won’t make things any easier to understand. I’d rather spend the rest of my life making it up to you instead,” he says, pulling us closer together.
A lifetime?
My heart rate accelerates at the idea of more time with Brent. I didn’t know what last night meant for him. I didn’t know if it was a pity fuck or a start to something, but now, with more clarity, I can’t wait to see what happens when we go home.
“Making it up to me?” I ask.
“This morning’s offer is still good. Do you think they’d mind if I stole you away before my red eye tonight?”
Oh yeah… he’s leaving, and I'll be heading to my parents' house to open gifts before I head back to Seattle the day after Christmas.
“You have to go?”
“I promised Tessa that I’d be home. I haven't missed a Christmas with her since our parents died. And the Hawkeyes go all out on Christmas afternoon—they're expecting me. I don'twant to let them down. They've become a family to Tessa and me when we didn't have one in Seattle.
I love the way Brent is present for his family and his team.
“I get it," I nod, glancing over his shoulder, trying to hide my disappointment.
“But before I go, I want to talk—”
Someone walks up to us and stops on my right side.