“I’ve heard similar stories for months. Olivia wants to visit Onyx and Evangaline, and her mother, but I keep putting it off.” Jaxon glanced at the door as if he was worried his wife was listening in. “Faast is farther away so you might not have heard, but apparently King Oscar’s ramblings when he’s drunk are getting more difficult for Onyx to hide, and there have been a couple of times King Oscar has promised things to individual society families - promises that would’ve caused so much division among other ranking families it could cause a revolt.”
“I wanted to complain to the World Council about the king’s treatment of me, but Onyx talked me out of it. He cited you and Olivia’s reputation as one of the reasons he didn’t want me to do it.”
“Onyx is trying so damn hard to keep everyone happy, he’s going to worry himself into an early grave,” Jaxon said grimly. “Has Orion mentioned anything to you about a secret project him and Onyx have been working on?”
“Not yet.” Vincent shook his head. “At the moment, according to Morgan, I should be grateful Orion is talking to me at all, given the whole card game fiasco. I genuinely thought I was doing the right thing. Do you know what this project is?”
Jaxon shook his head. “Olivia doesn’t know either, but a bundle of messages arrived from Tyrion yesterday for Orion, so if it’s project related he might confide in us sometime tomorrow. We’ve got your celebratory reception tonight. I have to ask, haveyou prepared Orion for what is likely to happen at the reception tonight. A number of your oldacquaintanceswill be here.”
“Is that going to be a problem? It will be nice for Orion to make some new friends, wouldn’t it?”
“You think your new husband is going to want to be friends with people who can tell him about the birthmark you have on your butt cheek?”
“Why would that even come up? Orion hasn’t seen my butt cheek. He sleeps in a separate room from me at the moment. We’ve only been married three days.” Vincent was still thinking about the secret project that people seemed to know existed, but no one knew what it was.
“Oh, dear.” Vincent looked up to see Jaxon shaking his head. “If I were you, I’d ensure that you make a huge point of showing everyone how important Orion is to you at this reception tonight. In case someone takes it into their heads to let him know they were a darn sight more intimate with you than he is.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. Once they see how happy Orion makes me, my friends will be happy for us, too.”Won’t they?Vincent wasn’t so sure when Jaxon laughed.
Chapter Eleven
Orion was grateful to have some time to himself before the reception the Carntan royal family was holding for him and Vincent that evening. Talking to his sister was always exhausting. She was a bundle of beautiful energy and Orion had been so pleased to see that her marriage hadn’t changed that. It was clear she and Jaxon were in a true love match, and from the things she said, Jaxon cared deeply for her and respected her opinions. Before he started getting dressed, Orion sent John to find a messenger so he could get word to Onyx. All it said was “Olivia is being Olivia,” an inside joke Onyx and Evangaline would understand and take comfort from.
It wasn’t so easy coping with Olivia’s constant demands for information from home. Orion and Onyx had done their best over recent years to hide the decline of their father from her, and those protective instincts still held true. He kept his answers brief – that their mother was fine, Onyx and Evangaline sent their love - and then quickly launched into a brief outline of what happened on his wedding day.
“Tell me.” Olivia had grabbed both of his hands, as Vincent was prone to do sometimes. “You have to tell me, I’m just dying to know. What’s Vincent like in private? Tell me. Tell me. Does he break wind, or scratch his butt, or pick at his face when no one’s looking?”
Orion had to laugh. “I don’t spend a lot of time with my husband without someone else around, and why would he pick at his face? He has flawless skin.”
“You’re right. I know that.” Olivia sighed. “Vincent is just so well put together, sometimes a girl has to dream that a person has flaws, don’t you think? I mean, I am so lucky that Jaxon accepts me so readily and is wonderful to me in every way, but if I lookat someone like Vincent who is just…Vincent. Flaws would make him appear more human somehow. Surely you feel the same way about him?”
Orion had been saved from answering as John had come to let him know it was time to get ready for the reception. He assumed he had John to thank for ensuring he had a room of his own as well, something he thought about as he quickly washed up and started to put on the clothes John had left out for him.
There was no denying that Vincent stirred feelings in Orion he rarely felt, but three days of talking about politics, policies, and sharing humorous stories did not a relationship make. Orion had gone into his marriage not believing he’d have any feelings about Vincent at all, but his sister had been right. Vincent did have a way about him, and while Orion was the last person to fawn over another, he couldn’t deny Vincent had an impact on him. Vincent’s attention was almost addictive, and Orion wasn’t immune. But something still held him back, even if he wasn’t sure what that something was.
“Tonight’s the test,” he reminded himself quietly as he buttoned up one of the beautiful waistcoats Vincent had bought him as a wedding gift. It was unlikely Vincent would even realize it was one of his gifts, but if he did, then Orion wearing it was a show of his appreciation.
The truth was, and Orion would only admit that to himself and never mention it to another soul, he was nervous. The past three days had been mostly just him and Vincent. Yes, there had been staff and guards around. That was normal for a traveling crown prince and his consort.
But Vincent’s reputation for being a player on the party scene was established lore, Orion wasn’t convinced his ability to hold an intelligent conversation was enough to keep his husbandinterested among a sea of people who all agreed with Vincent’s every word.
“There’s only one way to find out.” Nodding at his reflection, Orion ran his hand over his hair one last time and went out to the small sitting room just as there was a knock on the door. Before he got to it, the door opened and Vincent came in, a big smile on his face.
“You’re wearing one of my betrothal gifts tonight.” Vincent palmed his own chest. “I’m honored, I truly am. I knew the color would suit you.”
“It is one of the most beautiful pieces I have in my wardrobe, thank you.” Orion felt his cheeks heat at the praise. “You’re looking very handsome yourself.”
Vincent twirled. His outfit was similar to the pants and robe he wore to get married in, but this time the color combination was a deep purple and black that did suit him. “I’m glad you like it. Are you excited about this evening?” He held out his arm for Orion to take. “We’ve not talked much about what you enjoy socially. Do you dance?”
“I know how to.” Orion slid his hand in the crook of Vincent’s elbow. “I’m not sure how good a partner I might be.”
“Just let me lead,” Vincent said with his trademark grin. “I won’t let you embarrass yourself.”
That’s not what I meant.But like ninety-nine percent of what Orion thought, he kept that to himself. He was sure his husband would have no shortage of dancing partners at the coming event.
Vincent was almost giddy with excitement, although he made sure to keep that under wraps as he escorted his husband downstairs to the great hall where the reception was being held. He and Orion bowed to the King and Queen of Carntan, andthen took their places next to Jaxon and Olivia at the end of the receiving line. Olivia was looking particularly pretty in a pale blue gown and flowers in her hair.Hmm. Orion would look good in that color too,Vincent thought, noting how similar the siblings’ coloring was.