Page 4 of Sin Bin Bully

“Oh, fuck off!”

I jam my finger onto the screen to disconnect the call, letting out a long sigh. They said we would hear back by the end of the day, and it’s already been two hours since I left, so it could be any minute now.

“Stupid spam callers,” I mumble.

I slip my phone into my back pocket and start towards the kitchen again. Thanks to my nerves, I’m nowhere near hungry, but I know that if I don’t eat at least something, I’ll pass out. Dancing is no joke, and I’ve been practicing nonstop all week for today’s audition.

My fridge is depressing, and so are my cupboards. I can’t even remember the last time I went grocery shopping.

Pursing my lips, my eyes flit between the pack of chicken ramen noodles, and the Salisbury steak frozen dinner. Both look equally unappetizing.

After a minute, I rip open the ramen noodle pack. At least I can add some seasonings to this to make it edible. The Salisbury steak on the other hand… Well, what you see is what you get. There’s really no changing that shit after months of being frozen.

A few minutes later, my noodles are heating up. Out of habit, I start going through my dance routine.

Left foot out, right hand up and out to the side. Then bring both back in. Left foot out again, then sweep it across the ground as I spin to the side.

I freeze mid spin, hearing a scuffle. A grunt comes right after. I hold my hair away from my ears so I can hear better, while creeping up to my apartment door.

One peek out of the peephole tells me everything I need to know. I clasp a hand over my mouth and take a step back.

“I saw your feet under the door, dumbass.”

My heart races, and I jump back as he pounds on the door.

“I know you’re in there, open the fuck up.”

I have no idea how he found me. I’ve been so careful since I moved, and none of our siblings know my new address. Even if they did, they wouldn’t tell him.

He keeps pounding, and it sounds like he’s body checking the door with all of his weight. My hands start to tremble at the thought of him getting inside.

I look around my apartment, trying to find something I could use to defend myself. I know how to fight, but I know I’m not stronger than Nate.

My eyes land on my bag, which contains a bottle of mace and a taser. I rush and grab it, before inching back towards the door.

“Go away, Nathan! I have a taser, and I’m not alone!”

“Oh, she speaks! It’s good to hear your voice, big sis! How’ve you been?”

He doesn’t wait for an answer, pounding on the door again.

“I’ll call the police, Nathan. I’m sure you have a warrant out for your arrest, so do you really want to get caught?”

“Come on, Kim, don’t be like that. Let’s not get nasty, okay?”

“You shouldn’t be here!”

“Neither should you, big sis. Abandoning your family? I thought you cared about all your little brothers.”

I swallow, the guilt I shouldn’t feel rising up in me at his words. All three of their faces flash in my mind. I do care about them, and I see them almost every day. I just couldn’t live there anymore, especially not with Nathan always coming around.

“That’s what I thought,” he says, letting out a terse laugh. “You always were the selfish one.”

Also not true. But it sucks hearing anyways.

“Nathan, I’m not fucking kidding. You need to leave, right now.”

There’s silence on the other end, and I’m afraid he’s going to body check the door again. When he doesn’t, I look through the peephole again.