Page 17 of Sin Bin Bully

I pause, pressing my ear to the wood. All I hear on the other side is thumping music. It’s so loud, there’s no way anyone can hear me over it, unless they’re right outside the door.

“Please! Open the fucking door!”

I pound on it repeatedly with my fists, kicking it a few times as well. But I have zero hope that it will break. This is a fancy ass hotel, it’s obviously not a cheap door.

“Fuck,” I mutter, a couple of tears streaming down my face.

Looking around the room frantically, I spot two windows. I run towards one of them, though I already know we’re in the penthouse.

When I look outside, I see the busy street below. It’s so far down I can’t make anyone out, but I’m sure they’re here for the party.

Someone has to find me at some point. People wander around into rooms at parties all the time.

But a violent sob comes out of me as I remember what he said. He practically owns this hotel. He probably has someone out there guarding it or something.

The window doesn’t open, so I can’t even open it to scream for help. I could still try to attract attention, but who would even be looking up here in the first place?

I freeze just as I’m about to start walking back to the door.

My phone. Where is my phone? I could’ve sworn I brought it in here with us.

My brain is so cloudy right now due to the stress, the pure insanity of this situation, that I can’t even remember where I would’ve put it. I search near the bed but find nothing.

“Fucking bastard,” I cry out. He probably took it. Of course he did.

I let myself fall to the ground, tears pouring out at an insane rate. I should’ve tried to hurt him before he left. I should’ve used the things I learned when I learned self-defense. Why didn’t I try?

His face flashes in my mind. Dark, greyish eyes, long dark hair. There was always something about his eyes that I noticed every time I looked in them, but I never knew what it was until now.

Now, the only word that comes to mind when I think of them is deadly. He has to be, to have done this to me. He’s psychotic.

“Oh my god…” My hand flies to cover my mouth.

I remember all those times he was watching our practices. How he always seemed to be staring at me. How did I not findthat alarming? Why did I never confront him about it or tell someone?

I shake my head. No, I can’t do this. I can’t blame myself. I had no idea this would happen. I had no possible way to see that. It’s not my fault.

A sound in the hall makes me jump, and I realize that he’s going to be coming back in here. At some point, he will. That thought terrifies me.

Why did he do this? What is he going to do with me?

The next thought that hits me is the fact that no one is going to notice I’m gone.

I haven’t been to visit my brothers in weeks, and we barely talk anymore. They’ve gotten pretty distant, and I started getting the sense that they were mad at me for moving out. I was so busy with practice and games, and studying to try to get into grad school, that I just stopped trying so hard.

I made friends with some of the other ice girls, but none of us got that close. We’d hang out after practice and after games, but that was really it. And I don’t have many other friends outside of them, either. It’s hard to find people I trust, on top of finding time for them.

No one is going to come looking for me, at least not anywhere near soon enough. It would probably take weeks for anyone to notice I’m gone, and even then, it’d most likely be my landlord after he realizes I haven’t paid rent.

I’m fucked.

Using the ground to hoist me up, I force myself to stand, peering around the rest of the room. I haven’t even really looked at it yet.

The space is huge, and it’s undeniably beautiful. I’ve never even seen a bed this big before, and to call this a hotel room would be false. It looks like a master bedroom in some huge mansion.

There are two doors in the room other than the one I came through. I check both. One of them is a huge walk-in closet. It doesn’t contain any clothes, just linens for the bed and a few towels. The other door leads to a giant bathroom.

The floors are white marble, so clean I can see a reflection of everything off of it. There’s a jacuzzi as well as a large walk-in shower. The shower has two rows of different soaps, all of which look expensive. The towels match the ones I saw in the closet.