Istand before the full-length mirror, adjusting my bow tie for the hundredth time. The crisp white shirt and tailored black tuxedo fit perfectly, but I can't shake this restless energy coursing through me.
"Sam, stop fidgeting," my mother chides, swatting my hands away from my neck. "You look impeccable."
I catch her eye in the reflection. "Thanks, Mom. Just want everything to be perfect for Kim."
She smooths down my lapels, her lips pursed. "I must admit, she's grown on me. That girl's got spirit."
My mother has finally made peace with the fact that Kim wasn't going anywhere, not that I really care. Kim was staying by my side regardless. And I did have to threaten my mother that if she told Kim again that I'll get tired of her, there would be consequences.
But she's been nice enough and is fine since we are getting married. Plus, practice has started back and I have beenperforming even better. It's easy to have motivation with my ice girl watching…and a good reward after every practice.
"Woman," I correct automatically. "Kim's a woman, not a girl."
Mom raises an eyebrow. "Indeed. Well, she certainly knows how to handle you."
I smirk, remembering our... passionate discussions. "That she does."
"I hope you know what you're doing," she says, her tone stiff. "Marriage is no small commitment."
"I've never been more certain of anything in my life," I reply, meeting her gaze steadily.
She nods, patting my cheek. "Then I'm happy for you. Truly."
A knock at the door interrupts us. My best man and Kim's brother, Braden, pokes his head in. "Five minutes, man. You ready?"
I take a deep breath, squaring my shoulders. "Born ready."
"Let me see you three." My mother turns her scrutiny on Braden, ushering him in. He looks uncomfortable, but he walks in, Avery and Zander on his heels.
I smirk, watching my mother fuss over Kim's brothers. We've all had to adjust a little as our families blended. I offered to let the boys live with us, and they've had to adjust to my mother fussing over them, too.
But even I've learned to give Kim some freedom. I always told her I'd give her anything, and even though I fucking hate it, she wants to leave my side sometimes. But she's adapted well to our new arrangement. I've loosened the reins a bit, letting her spread her wings—within reason, of course.
"Braden, straighten your tie," my mother tuts, reaching for Kim's brother.
He dodges her hands. "It's fine, Mrs. Warwick. Seriously."
I chuckle. "Let the kid breathe, Mom. He looks sharp enough."
But I can do nothing to stop it. So I let my thoughts drift back to Kim. She's free to leave the house now, but I'm not stupid. There's always someone watching, keeping her safe. I keep her phone tapped, just to be sure. She knows it too, calls me her "psycho" with that teasing lilt in her voice.
"Sam, are you even listening?" Mom snaps her fingers in front of my face.
"Sorry, what?"
She sighs. "I said, make sure you remember your vows. I won't have you stumbling through them like a fool."
"Relax, I've got 'em memorized," I assure her, tapping my temple.
Zander pipes up. "Bet you five bucks he forgets 'em anyway."
"Let's make it five hundred," I retort, grinning.
"Deal!" He grins wide.
Poor kid. He doesn't know he's going down.