“Pathetic,” I mutter as I look at his bloodied face.
This time I punch him in the stomach, using every ounce of force I have. He gasps for air, and it's honestly kind of hilarious to watch.
Eventually, I see Kim walk away out of the corner of my eye. But I think about her long after she leaves. The fact thatshe seemed almost intrigued by what she was witnessing, really stands out to me.
Once I’m finished with Matthew, I head back to the locker room to clean up and get my things. By the time I leave, I still can’t get Kim out of my head.
The way her eyes stayed latched onto mine as I beat the daylights out of someone… Well, it leaves me wanting to do a little observing of my own.
“Sam, you coming with us?”James asks.
“Not today, you can leave without me.”
He nods and exits the locker room. I follow behind him, but I don’t head in the same direction. Instead of walking outside, I head back to the rink where we just finished training not too long ago.
When I open the door, I immediately hear the music. And then I see her.
Kim dances, her posture absolutely perfect. She moves her hips in ways I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone do before.
But it isn’t just her hips I’m watching, nor is it the rest of her body. What I’m most interested in is the look on her face. The passion and focus I see in her eyes. It’s something the rest of the girls just don’t mirror.
She flips her curly brown hair around, her hands gliding seductively down her body. For a split second, I imagine my own hands in place of hers. Only mine would travel much further down. And mine would make her scream so loud the entire building would hear.
Once the dance number is over, she soars across the ice in sync with the rest of the girls. I watch her land a jump perfectly,before spinning around three times without falling or even wobbling.
She’s impressive by anyone’s standards, and she almost makes the rest of the team look bad. That’s how much she stands out.
I watch for a little while longer before forcing myself to leave. I’m trying not to attract any attention to myself just yet. It’s not time.
I’ve been watching her in practice almost every single time I’m here. It’s become almost like an obsession.
She’sbecome an obsession. And I don’t mind it one bit.
Ienter the rink where we practice, tossing my braids over my shoulder. I got extra sleep last night, so I feel fantastic today.
The other girls are already here, so I join them, skating across the ice towards where they’re warming up. A few of them smile at me as I approach, and I take my place next to Alexi.
“Hey girl,” she says. “Love the new hair!”
“Thanks!” I shoot her a smile.
I love my hair, but it’s been hard to keep up with while practicing so much, traveling for games, and performing at them. The braids will make it a lot easier on me.
“Alright girls let’s get started! We’ve got a new routine to learn for the upcoming game.”
We all spread out across the ice, our eyes trained on Natasha, our choreographer. The team was able to hire us a really good one for this season since they’ve been playing so well in recent years. Natasha’s routines are beautiful, but they’re definitely not easy.
I’m able to catch onto the new routine pretty quickly. This is the third new one she’s shown us, so I’m getting used to her style.
“Good job, girls! Keep it up!”
Being an ice girl has proven to be a lot harder than I initially thought. It’s so much more than just dancing, and the team actually relies on us for a lot of things throughout the games. We aren’t just here to look cute.