I’m about to dismiss them as nothing but quick fucks, until my eyes land on her. She has the most angelic face I’ve ever seen. Rich brown skin, big brown doe eyes. Full lips that are just begging to be used and abused. This Black girl is absolutely drop dead gorgeous…and going to be worth every second I want to spend on her.
She stands out not just because of her beauty, but her aura. It’s unlike the others, who are just carbon copies of every girl I’ve ever laid my eyes on. She seems… aware.
My eyes trail down to the rest of her, noting the slim waist and wider hips. Breasts that sit high on her chest, almost bursting out of her tight black dress. My mouth waters just looking at them.
She meets my gaze, before quickly averting her eyes. I feel one corner of my mouth twitch.
This should be fun.
Six weeks earlier…
“Fuck!”I shout, almost falling down the stairs.
I grab onto the railing to stop myself just in time. It’d be just my luck to break my ankle right after my audition, all because I stubbed my toe.
When I get to the top of the stairs, I eye the rest of the hall before approaching my door. After seeing that it’s empty, I stick my key into the lock.
I hate people seeing what apartment I’m walking into, just in case. So usually if someone’s around, I’ll just keep walking and then loop back once they’re gone.
In my experience, you can never be too careful.
Once I’m in my apartment, I feel slightly better- but barely. I still have no idea if I’ll be picked. Setting my bag down on the ground, I plop onto my stiff, secondhand couch and close my eyes.
In my head, I picture the routine I did. The looks on the judges’ faces while I was dancing. They had the perfect poker faces, not one emotion coming through.
“Girl, you killed it,”one of the other girls told me once I finished.
“Thanks, so did you!”
That was about all the compliments I got. The rest of the girls were so nervous they looked like they were gonna pass out at any second.
I didn’t realize becoming an ice girl was such a sought-after position. But I guess the Washington Wolverines have been playing really well the past couple years, and so all the girls are dying for any chance to be closer to them.
I honestly couldn’t care less about them. They’re hot, but I have way too much to lose here. With a minor in dancing, this is going to be the best way for me to fund what I really want to study- astronomy.
If I don’t get in, I’ll be hauling my ass to the Wendy’s down the street every day at 5am. No offense to Wendy’s, but I’d really rather not.
Eventually, I lift my stiff body up off the couch, eyeing my apartment. It’s tiny, with only one bedroom that is honestly more like a slightly large closet. It stinks, no matter how much I clean it. The carpet is gross and scratchy under my feet. The kitchen cabinets smell like stale cigarette smoke.
But it’s better than nothing. That’s what I remind myself any time I start feeling down about it. I could be out there on the streets, like half the people I went to highschool with. At least I have a bed to call my own at night.
And at least it’s safe.
Just as I’m about to walk into the kitchen to heat up some dinner, my phone buzzes in my bag. I drop to the ground, tearingmy bag open and shoving my hand in. When I finally find it, I press the answer call button and shoot to my feet.
“Hello, is this Kim Daniels?”
“Yes, this is she.”
“Hi Kim, I’m with United Healthcare and I’d love to talk to you about-”