“We’re already on it,” he cuts in, swirling the clear liquid round his glass, something he only does when he is on edge, and his stare is hard as it locks on Lincoln and they communicate something silently.
“What have I missed?” Elle asks, sitting up straighter, all of the relaxation from a moment ago completely disappearing as she looks between them all.
I spot Marcus as he slides his hand into hers and squeezes it gently, and I know that he knows she feels guilty for missing whatever is going on, but damn the girl has given up enough of her life, she deserves some ignorant bliss, especially during the week she is getting married.
“A few men have been killed, nothing you need to concern yourself with,” Lincoln says carefully, his eyes flicking to Jace andRiley in silent warning to the rest of us.
Of course his brother doesn’t miss a trick, and pulls Riley close into his side as he purrs, “Come on, Red, I saw a pool table in the other room, let’s go play a game.” He stands, pulling out her chair and offering her his hand, which she takes without pause.
“We’ll join you in a minute,” Elle tells them with a forced smile, knowing that despite Riley knowing some things by being with Jace, she doesn’t know everything, and I know she also doesn’t want to force Jace back into the darkness he once lived in. As soon as they are gone she snaps her head back towards Asher and Lincoln. “Tell me what’s going on.”
Lincoln opens his mouth, but once again Asher beats him to it. “It’s nothing to worry about, Hells Bells, especially not this week. I promise, Lincoln and I have it under control.”
As if knowing she won’t just accept that, Lincoln ignores Ash and pulls out his phone, tapping away until I spot a news article across it, then he slides it over to Elle. Her eyes flick across the screen in quick succession, and she hums as she takes in the new information.
“Five murders,” Marcus remarks, reading over her shoulder, before bringing his stare back to his brother. “And they don’t have any suspects?”
Lincoln shakes his head, taking his phone back from Elle and passing it to me, as if he knew I was waiting. “Not that I am aware of, but the information only just came across my desk, but don’t worry, like I said, I am looking into it.”
My own eyes read the information in the article, grimacing a little at some of the descriptions of the murders, before they fall to the pictures of the five men who have been killed. All of them look similar in some sense, blond with green eyes, a muscular build, it’s clear the killer has a type, one similar to mine, and I can’t help but smile.
“You know these guys kind of look like you, baby,” I joke, handing his phone back to him, but Ash snatches it from my hand and looks at the article with more scrutiny than any of us.
“Never thought you’d be the whipped type,” my sister cuts in, sipping her glass of red wine with a smirk and smoothly changing the subject from anything dark and disturbed.
“Never thought you’d be interested in my kinks, sis, not when you have so many of your own” I toss back, making her grimace, and I swear Max almost chokes on his beer.
“Just let me know if you find anything,” Zack cuts in, ignoring our bullshit as usual and nodding to Max as they both stand to leave, and my eyes zero in on my twin when she stands up to follow them.
“Come on, Little King, Black Hallows and all its blood and death is half a world away, let’s just focus on being here right now,” Marcus pleads, pulling Elle’s face until she is staring into his eyes. “Plus, it would make me hard as fuck to watch you kick Jace’s ass at pool like I know you can.”
Elle rolls her eyes, but smiles too, leaning in and placing a kiss far too chaste for his liking onto Marcus’ lips, and then pushing to her feet. “You’re right, let’s finish off the night with some fun,” she beams, forcing herself to forget about the drama and focusing on her almost-husband.
“You guys coming?” Marcus asks, looking between the three of us, and when neither of them respond, I take my shot.
“I sure hope we’re coming,” I taunt, reveling in the way Asher’s entire body tightens beneath my words.
Elle and Marcus both laugh, exiting without pause, and leaving just the three of us still sitting at the table. I don’t know why, but the tension in the room increases instantly, and with Ash and Linc locked in a silent stare-off, I can’t help but feel a little lost.
“I don’t know about you guys, but I could really go for a second dessert,” I smirk, breaking their trance as both their gazes snap toward me.
“I thought I told you that flirting with me was pointless?” Asher drawls, polishing off the rest of his drink quickly, and rising to his feet.
“No, in fact, what you asked was if you should expect the flirting to continue, and I can now confirm that it will,” I respond, also moving to stand and feeling Lincoln follow. “Unless you want to move past it like we discussed?” I ask sweetly, and for once he doesn’t scoff. He just stares at us silently before turning to leave.
Of course Lincoln and I are quick to follow, like the magnetic force of Asher Donovan has replaced gravity, and we all reach the over the top billiards room at the same time. Pushing through the doors to find Marcus, Elle, Jace, and Riley all standing round the pool table.
“Well if it isn’t the happy throuple,” Jace drawls as we enter, making Ash stiffen, before he pushes himself away from us, and takes a seat on one of the sofas alone, snagging a fresh bottle of something clear on the way there.
I know from recent experience that he won’t throw back a retort, not to Jace. Neither of them can seem to move past the crimes of Ash’s family and the victims they stole from Jace, and I know it’s something we are all aware of. I honestly thought things between them would have settled by now, and it’s clear that Jace has no idea what Ash has even done for him. In fact, I don’t think anyone but me and Elle do, but it doesn’t matter right now. Yet where I would normally find humor in his blatant hatred, right now I can tell it’s the last thing Asher needs when he is just trying to enjoy a night with us all.
Completely ignoring the fiery little redhead at Jace’s side, I don’t hold back as I retort, “Well you are the expert in throuples, right? How many threesomes have you had again?” I match my questions with a sweet and innocent smile, and his girlfriend snorts a laugh, more than used to all our bullshit by now.
“I’m a one woman kind of man now, isn’t that right, Riles?” Pulling her in by the waist, he nuzzles into her hair like he is addicted to her, and she smiles at him like he hung the damn moon.
“Don’t drag me into this, Playboy, I’m not experienced in group activities the same way you are, I’d have to do some research and get back to you,” she tosses back with a smile, her eyes lighting with a challenge.
“Oh, baby, you really shouldn’t have said that.” Without warning, he dips down, picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder. “Excuse us, it seems my girlfriend needs to be reminded who she belongs to.” He doesn't look back, as he abandons the game and storms from the room to the sound of her giggles.