Page 32 of Ruthless Rebel

It’s leaking and aching for release, just from the sight of him, and I use my precum to coat my shaft, jerking myself hard and fast to the image of him. I picture him coming in here after me and dropping to his knees, I picture touching him and tasting him, and erasing every other person who ever has, until I’m grunting and rutting into my fist like an animal. I imagine his hand instead of mine, his cock rubbing against my own, his ass swallowing me whole until we are panting and sweating against one another.

“Oh fuck,” I groan, the image so clear in my head that I can’t stop myself from thrusting into my hand, wishing it was his. “Yes, fuck yes,” I hiss, slamming my other palm into the doorframe, and thrusting into my fist as if Asher is right here with me.

“Blackwell,” he suddenly calls from the other side, and just knowing he is right there lights my entire body on fire. “They are about to serve dinner,” he adds, his voice stroking the flames licking my skin, as I continue to stroke my cock knowing there is only one word I need to hear from him right now.

“I knew you cared about me, Dark Prince,” I tease through the wood, wishing I could just rip this fucking door between us off its hinges, and show him exactly what he does to me.

“Lincoln,” he warns, his voice like a warm caress, and I am fucking done for, because my name on his lips will always be my downfall.

“Okay, I’m coming,” I call loudly, my teeth sinking into my lip so I can bite back my moan, until I feel my orgasm take full control. “Fuck, yes, I’m coming,” I add in a moaned whisper, revelling in the long, hot spurts of cum that burst from the end of my cock, covering my fingers, and the door, until I am completely spent and breathless.

I stay locked in that position for a long minute, trying to get my desires back under control. Only then do I tuck myself away and move to clean up my cum. Once I’ve done that, I unlock the door, striding back to my seat like I didn’t just have the most intense fucking self orgasm ever, and slide back into my seat across from Asher. I can feel his stare burning into me, like he knows exactly what I just did, and instead of denying it, I lift my eyes to his and smirk.

“Something on your mind?” I ask, and his eyes drop to where my hands rest on the table now open between us, and I swear he is looking for evidence of what I was just doing.

His mouth drops open as if on instinct, but then he snaps it shut before blurting, “Are you hungry?”

I can’t help but smile even wider, leaning back in my seat. “Oh, I’m absolutely famished, Dark Prince.”

Before he can respond, the flight attendants come along and lay out our food, and we both eat in comfortable silence, having shared a hundred meals with one another, and once our plates are cleared away, they announce we will be making our first stop to refuel and switch crews.

As soon as we start our descent, the entirety of tension from when we took off, returns to Asher’s body, and all I want to do is reach out and touch him. To pull him into my arms and tell him that I wouldn’t let anything happen to him, but I can’t do that. So, instead I reach for my bag and pull out my phone, unlocking it and navigating to the folder I need. When I slide it across the table, his eyes snap to mine in confusion, before flicking down to my phone and softening instantly.

“What is this?” He asks, plucking my phone off the table and starting to swipe.

“Just some random pictures of Cass, I thought you might like to see them.” My explanation is simple enough, I just want to distract him, but as he flicks through picture after picture, I can’t tell what he is thinking.

“There are hundreds of pictures here, Lincoln, and I have never seen any of them,” he says in disbelief, seeming to completely forget about our descent.

I shift, slightly uncomfortable at the fact that he’s right, I do have hundreds of pictures of her, all from the times we have hung out together, or I have seen her having fun with my brothers, or Elle. There are even pictures of her and Ash on there together, taken without them knowing, but the moments were just too good to pass up.

Growing up the way I did, we didn’t exactly spend time making memories or taking photos to capture the perfect moment in time. In fact, I only have one photograph of my mom that I have saved from when I was kid, but even if I had a thousand, it would never be enough to remember her by. There will always be days she will miss, occasions she won’t be present for, and I will never have another moment to cherish with her again. Just that one picture, and I’m not naive enough to think that I will be blessed with my new family forever. One day we will all just be someone to be missed in a photograph, so I never pass up the chance to immortalize the good moments we do get, into eternity.

“I only have one picture of my mom,” I tell him quietly, and when our gazes collide, he nods in complete understanding. “Any that you like, just let me know and I will get them printed for you,” I add, swallowing the lump now in my throat, because I might have grown up with nothing, but I plan to be one of the people that makes sure Cassie will also grow up with everything.

“I want all of them,” Asher declares, still flicking through each image like they are the most precious thing in the world.

“Yeah sure, I’ll print all the ones of you two,” I respond, but he is already shaking his head.

“No, I want all of them, every single picture you have taken in this folder.”

Hundreds.There are hundreds of pictures in that folder of him and Cass, Elle and Cass, even Marcus, Jace, Zack, Logan, Lily, Helen, and Arthur. Every member of her family, everyone who is important to her, yet the majority of the pictures are of me and Cassie anytime we spend time together. I know why I document allthose moments, more for me than they ever will be for her, but I don’t know why he wants them.

I nod slowly. “Okay, I will print all of them for you.”

Only then does he look at me, lowering the phone and flashing a picture of Cassie and I, sitting in the theater room back at the house, surrounded by stuffed animals.

“You really love my daughter, don’t you, Lincoln?” He asks, making my heart thunder in my chest, but I don’t know why.

I shrug. “What can I say, she’s easy to love, just like her mom.”And her dad, I add silently, but I swear it looks as if he heard it anyway, plucking the words right from my brain and stealing them for himself.

Our eyes remain locked, and I swear if it wasn’t for this goddamn table I would fist my hand into his shirt and slam my lips to his, consequences be damned, but just like always he remains out of reach. The plane slams into the ground, jolting us from our stare-off, and once again I am left desperate to beg for more from the most unattainable person in the world.



The sun is burning high in the sky by the time we make it to the island, the heat almost unbearable compared to what I am used to, especially in the clothes I am wearing. All I want to do is drown myself in a cold shower, fall into bed and grab a couple hours of sleep. My plan is to find Logan and have him help me with both of those things, but I should probably say hi to my family first.