His chest thunders against my own as my words wash over him, and all I want to do is erase the last bit of space between us and claim his lips with mine. My entire body burning with the need to touch him, taste him, fucking consume him until we are one, and when his eyes drop to my lips just for a second, I can imagine doing just that.
My cock is rock hard against his thigh now and there is no way he doesn’t feel it, and when I press into him even further, I can almost swear he swallows a groan, as he curses my name once more, and all I can do in response is roll my hips as his stare holds mine captive. “Lincoln, I’m warning you,” he whispers, no bite behind his words whatsoever, and fuck if it doesn’t make me want him even more.
“Are you really going to stand here and tell me you don’t feel it?” I ask, being bolder than I ever have before, but this thing between us has been burning for months now. No, in fact, it’s been aflame since the night I saw him shirtless laying across Elle’s bed. I can still remember my eyes trailing over the dark angel tattoo across his chest, and the way he stared at me in disdain. We’ve come a long way since then, and I’m getting sick of him pretending that my entire existence is a disgust to him. “You know sometimes I think you forget how good I am at stalking my prey, how much I need to watch them, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched you, Dark Prince.” I shift my hips slightly, biting back a groan as my cock presses against his own, not surprised to find it coming to life with arousal.
“I don’t know what you think you see when you look at me, Blackwell, but I’m telling you right now, you’re wrong.” He lays his words out like they are the law, but I guess he forgot how much I like to break it.
“Oh yeah? Then why haven’t you pushed me away from you?” I ask, and only then does he move, but he doesn’t shove me like I expected him to. Instead he stands to his full height, using his body to press against my own until I am forced to take a step back.
“I need you to stop looking my way, Blackwell, because I promise you there isn’t anything here worth searching for.” There is no looking for sympathy in his words, yet I feel it either way, because I know deep down that he truly believes that. I know what kind of home he grew up in, and I can only imagine the shit he had to deal with, so I’m not surprised he lets himself be alone. He’s scared to let anyone in, and I can’t even blame him for it. I know exactly what that’s like, and until he’s ready, no one will be able to break through the wall he’s put up.
I don’t bother with a response, and I let him watch me as I open the trunk of my car and pull out some black sweats, slipping them on, and readjusting my hard length without either of us saying a word. Only once I am completely covered do I give him my full attention again.
“Let’s go,” I finally say, slamming the trunk and moving round the car to the driver’s side, as if nothing happened.
“Where?” Asher asks in confusion, as if my complete turnaround of the situation has given him whiplash.
“It’s 3am, I want to go home to bed,” I reply, and his eyes widen so quickly that if I had the energy I’d laugh. “I’ll drop you off at the penthouse on the way,” I add, no longer gaining any pleasure in his discomfort.
“My car is at the edge of the forest,” he replies quietly, and I nod.
“Then I’ll drop you there.”
No other words are said as we both climb into the car and I lock the doors, checking our surroundings before bringing the engine to life. As soon as I do, I note the missed calls and texts from my brothers and Logan, and hit his number first, until the ringing tone blasts around the car, and I can feel Asher’s confusion pouring off of him in waves.
It doesn’t take him long to answer, and when he does I can hear the smirk he is no doubt wearing in his tone. “I was beginning to think you forgot about me, baby,” Logan purrs, and I swear I see Ash flinch when he realizes who I called.
“Sorry I got caught up with work,” I lie easily, and Asher turns to glare at me, but I ignore him. “Did you all get settled in?” I add, and he quickly gives me a run down of their travels, as I guide my car through the trees in the dark.
“Did you see Ash today?” He adds at the end, and a part of me wishes Logan knew what I had been doing so I didn’t have to lie to him.
“Yeah we were at the office together,” I confirm, not technically lying, but also not knowing how to come up with an explanation as to why we are together right now.
“How did he look?” Logan purrs, and with my cock still half hard beneath my sweats, I can’t help but smirk as I pull my gaze from the trees towards Asher.
“Tired and stressed from missing the girls, but still hot as fuck like always,” I tell him honestly, and I swear my words have Asher blushing, but thankfully the shade of the trees covers it up for him.
“Always,” Logan agrees, and before I can switch the topic to safer territories, he adds, “Can’t wait to drool over him shirtless for the next week, I get hard just thinking about it. Hey wanna jerk off over the phone about it?”
I smother my laugh with a cough, moving my gaze between the trees and Ash until I can barely look away from him, entrapped by his stare. “Save that for when I see you,” I tell Logan honestly, and Asher’s fingers tighten around where they rest on his knees.
“Fuck I can’t wait for you to get here, is it pathetic that I miss you already?” Logan asks, bringing my focus back to him, and I can’t hide my smile at the thought of him pining for me.
“I’m sure that’s a normal sentiment among boyfriends,” I muse, still not used to our new found relationship, yet I find myself adding, “But I miss you too.”
“Miss me or miss fucking me?” He purrs, and my cock jumps beneath my sweats.
“Both,” I reply honestly, feeling a little weird admitting that not just to him, but in front of Asher too.
“Okay, well now I know you aren’t ignoring me so I will let you go,” he teases, and I can hear voices approaching in the background so I know he needs to go himself. “But please try and get some sleep, you know I hate it when you don’t look after yourself.”
His caring for me is something I have learned to live with these last few months, yet still it makes my heart beat faster. “Yes, Doctor,” I breathe back in a taunt and he laughs, the sound enlightening after the last few hours in the dark.
“Hey, you wanna play doctor with me, baby, all you gotta do is ask.”
I shake my head with a smirk even though he can’t see me. “Goodnight, Lo,” I say, my chest feeling lighter than it has been sincehe left.
“Night, Superman.”