“How are things, Superman?” she asks, and though the question sounds innocent enough, I can’t help but feel under interrogation.
“I’m fine,” I reply smoothly with a shrug, forcing my tone to remain unchanged and casual, and all she does is laugh.
“That’s your problem, Lincoln, you’re always fine,” she says, shaking her head before she adds, “How are things with Logan?”
Again her question feels like an interrogation because she has never asked me about him before. “Things with Logan are fine,” I reply calmly, and she laughs again.
“Fine, of course they are.” She packs up her laptop and places it in her bag before she stands, and I stand with her. We both move towards the door to leave before she pauses to look at me. “I know you never wanted this, Lincoln,” she starts, and I must look confused because she confirms, “A family. I know youhad some kind of fucked up childhood and that whatever happened made you lose your family, and you were never in the market for another one. I know you didn’t want Marcus and Jace, and you definitely didn’t sign on for me and Cassie, but we are your family, and we love you, no matter what, I hope you know that.”
I nod because despite how right she is, I do know that. I did lose everything, but I gained so much more in return. Things I never imagined, things I never dreamed of, and I don’t think anyone will ever understand how grateful I feel for it, but it doesn’t stop the things I lost from haunting me.
Elle doesn't push any further, just leans up and embraces me, placing a soft kiss on my cheek before she turns to leave, but I call out before I can stop myself, “You never did a background check on me, did you?” She pauses, turning to look at me in wonder before slowly shaking her head, and I ask, “Why?”
She sighs, closing the distance between us again and looking up at me to say simply, “Because I trusted you.”
I should have expected her answer, I know she trusted me, I saw it in her the week we met, but I never questioned it, not until now. “Yes, but why?” I push, needing the answer more than I have ever realized.
Elle sighs again and some of that emotion inside of her rushes to the surface as she admits, “Because when I looked at you, I saw myself looking back. I saw pain and grief, but I also saw fight and strength, I just knew you were one of the good ones.”
One of the good ones.
Her words slice through me, because I don't think I have ever been referred to as one of the good ones before. People know me as being regal, rage-infused, ruthless, but never good, and I can’t help but think back to the nights spent with my father and everytime he called me useless, a waste of space, and made me feel nothing but completely worthless.
All thoughts that must be clear on my face, because Elle reaches out to grab my hand as she implores, “I know you, Lincoln, I think I know you better than you even realize I do. You came to me when I needed you most and you have saved me more times than I care to admit,” she laughs, tears gathering in her eyes at her declaration, and unwanted emotion clogs in the back of my throat. “I see you, all of you, even the darkest parts of you, and I accept you.” Her eyes travel past where we are standing before they come back to me as she adds, “And so does he, so don’t be scared of taking a risk and going after what you want, no, what youneedto survive, because it might just be the best thing that happened to you.”
With that she turns and walks away, and it’s only then I notice Asher standing by his office door with his eyes on us. He watches her leave, and then brings his stare to mine and it’s filled with something I don’t recognize and I can’t help but wonder, was Elle talking about Logan, or him?
Ithought graduating AGU in the summer would mean that life would slow down, especially since we no longer had men trying to kill us, but you know what’s worse than war? Medical school. I am only a few months in and already feeling the effects of the heavy workload, and that’s even with bribing some of the officials to give me most weekends off. Granted, I always get my work and research done on time and I never ask for my rotations off, yet still exhaustion clings to me like it did when we were fighting for our lives. The only thing getting me through the slog of it is Lincoln, and I hate to admit that, even to myself, but it’s true. Being with him makes me forget everything except just being alive and free.
I’m not ashamed to admit I have looked at my phone at least a hundred times today to see if he called, which of course he hasn’t, he never does, and until this morning I’d never asked him to. I’m not sure what came over me, well that’s a lie, I am sure. Asher Donovan has been distracting me for years, but no more so when he is around Lincoln. I see a change in him, in both of them really, and it’s like I can see a future I am desperate for, but wouldn’t dare to admit to, not even to myself. Yet for once it feelsjust within reach, and with the wedding coming up I find myself feeling hopeful.
Staying in Black Hallows until today was most definitely a mistake, and I guess staying up most of the night getting fucked didn’t help either, I feel like I have been chasing my tail all day trying to catch up. I should have driven back last night, that was my original plan, but if you saw a naked Lincoln Blackwell you would know why that went right out the window. Inked and scarred to perfection, he is truly one of the most beautiful humans I have ever seen in my life, and to see him sweating and writhing above me? Yeah, I was staying in that damn bed.
Just the memory of him brings a smile to my face as I let myself into my penthouse, dropping my book-filled bags to the floor right by the door, and kicking off my shoes right next to it. All I want to do is collapse in bed, but for the second time today I am running late, and I need to shower and get changed so I can go and meet Lily, Zack, and Max for dinner.
My penthouse resides in one of the buildings close to school for obvious reasons, and luckily it isn’t too far from both Lily and Zack. I don’t see Zack as much given he is running his company, but Lily and I manage to have dinner together a few times a week whenever our schedules align, and I love that we still get to spend a lot of time together. She got her degree in psychology and is now doing an internship that specializes in child psychology. I think what happened with Elle affected her more than she would ever admit to, plus we both have our own share of childhood trauma thanks to losing our birth parents, so I think it suits her perfectly. We both just want to help people, especially the ones who aren’t as lucky as we are.
I shower quickly, washing away the stress of the day, and then get dressed, and head right back out the door to meet my siblings. I check my phone yet again in the elevator and almost bump right into my doorman Stanley as I leave.
“Sorry, Stan, I didn’t see you there,” I apologize, as he steps out of my way before I can crash right into him, and I pocket my phone with a sincere smile.
“No need to apologize, Mr. Royton,” he smiles in return, just as polite and formal as always, and I almost roll my eyes as he adds, “We have a car waiting for you as per your request.” I nod my thanks as he holds open the door for me and extends a hand towards the sleek black town car waiting kerbside for me. “Have a nice evening, sir.”
The formality of people around me never ceases to amaze me and I should be used to it by now, I’ve been a Royton since I was five years old. Hell, up until a few months ago I was a member of the Kinghood, and I might have given away my King coin, but my stature within their circle hasn’t changed, my last name still holds just as much power as it ever did. I feel it everyday with my fellow students and teachers, with people like Stanley, they respect me, fear me in some ways, but sometimes fear and respect go hand in hand, you only have to look at Elle King to know that. Yet despite outer appearances, I find it hard to get used to.
Climbing into the car, I greet my usual driver, and then I can’t help but shoot off a text to my second favorite sister at the thought of her.
Logan: It’s not too late to jilt the wedding sis, just say the word and you can have me instead, keep it in the family ??
Her reply comes within seconds as expected.
Elle: I thought you were already keeping it in my family with the Rebel you have been sleeping with…
Logan: Oh King, there has been very little sleeping ??