There was that playful little smile again. “That did not sound like a question.”

“Because it wasn’t.”

Her lips twitched as if she were trying to hide a smile.

He handed her the small bag of toiletries that Brooke and Justine put together for her and shooed her back into the bathroom before he climbed into bed. “I’ll be waiting …wife.”

“You trying to make me orgasm just standing here?”

His eyes widened as he pulled the covers up to his waist. “Can you do that?”

“Call me your wife again and get all bossy, and we’ll find out.”

He was up out of bed, growling and backing her up into the bathroom before she could even take another breath.

Vica was asleep in his bed looking thoroughly fucked and as gorgeous as ever in the moonlight as Wyatt carefully slipped out from beneath the covers. He’d already stashed clothes downstairs so as to not wake her. Hopefully, he’d be back before she woke up anyway.

Bennett was waiting on Wyatt’s front porch when he emerged, dressed in all black with a knit cap on his head, and a small flashlight.

“You look like you’re going to rob a jewellery store,” Bennett said, giving Wyatt a quick once over.

“And you look like you’re auditioning for a rap music video.” He wrinkled his nose at Bennett’s black leather jacket, black sweatpants, white running shoes, and backward, black baseball cap.

Bennett scoffed. “When was the last time you watched a rap music video?”

“Too long. Change your shoes. They’re hurting my eyes.”

Bennett rolled his eyes but nodded, and Wyatt followed his brother back to his house. Bennett came out a moment later wearing dark-brown and dark-green hiking boots. “Better?”

“I guess.”

A door to the right opened and closed, and a second later Clint came wandering over, also dressed in all black.

“You tattled on me to big brother?” Wyatt said with annoyance to Bennett.

“I’m also your big brother,” Bennett sassed back. “And no. Clint’s on board and coming too.”

“Fine. Let’s just fucking go though.”

“I parked my truck on the other side of the gate,” Clint said, so we don’t wake anybody up. You also need me because I’m the only one with a lock picking kit and who knows how to use it.”

Wyatt had to hand it to his oldest brother, that was good thinking. Wyatt hadn’t thought of parking a truck on the other side of the gate or bringing a lock picking kit. Then again, he was currently without a vehicle, so …

They walked to the man door of the gate, Bennett punched the code, then they all piled into Clint’s truck.

Wyatt brought up the list of people and addresses that Cash sent him earlier that day. It was more than he was expecting. However, there were a few that Wyatt would eliminate from suspicion immediately.

“Where to first?” Clint asked, reaching the main road and pausing so Wyatt could tell him whether to turn left or right.

“Right. We’re going to Leon Gustafson’s place first.”

Bennett spun around in the front passenger seat. “Leon? Seriously? The man is as old as a redwood and as slow as a slug. He wouldn’t run down or shoot at Vica, or you.”

Wyatt exhaled through his nose. “I thought that too. And I still do. Butmaybe he’s storing a car for someone? Maybe he’s being blackmailed? I’ve already ruled out about eight people, but Leon’s a guy I don’t know as well as some of the other locals. Maybe he’s got some skeletons in his closet.”

Clint had already turned right, and they were slowly cruising down the dark, abandoned island road. “I’ll support you regardless, but if Leon catches us this could hurt our chances of getting Bonn’s land.”

Wyatt smiled despite the turmoil in his gut. “Then he better not catch us.”