Nodding, he saw the cop to the door.

He wanted to help Vica more than he already was. But he also didn’t want to push.

He waited in the living room until Justine arrived again, a couple of changes of clothes in her arms. “These will hopefully work for now,” she said, taking the stairs once more. “Otherwise, tomorrow Brooke and I can go to the Town Center Store and pick up something for her.”

“Thank you for all your help,” he said as she disappeared down the hallway.

The women murmured, careful not to wake his sleeping boys in their rooms. Then Justine met him back in the living room. She was a kind and gentle soul, Justine Brazeau, and ridiculously smart too. She also knew her way around the kitchen and helped him out in the pub from time to time when they were short-staffed.

“She’s really shaken up,” Justine said, her almond-shaped, brown eyes full of sadness. “I can’t even begin to imagine what she’s going through right now.” Her gaze shifted toward the stairs and the bedrooms up there. “To be honest, I’m surprised she agreed to stay here. Not that you’re not safe, but it’s a house of only men. Considering what happened.”

Wyatt pressed his lips together. “I am too. But I was the first to find her and have offered her safety ever since. So maybe she just knows she can trust me.”

“Well, she’s not wrong.” Her smile was sweet, and her cheeks pinked up just a hint beneath her smattering of adorable freckles. Justine really did look like Lucy Liu. Bennett was a lucky man to have found someone that blended into their family as seamlessly as Justine did.

“I’m glad Myla came. Dan and Duane are the worst.”

She shook her head. “Why don’t they just retire already?”

“They’re both divorced and have heavy alimony payments. I’d say theyhaveto work. And, despite this being paradise, it’s not easy to find cops willing to move here. It’s slow-paced in the winter, maybe even boring. And then there’sthe whole dilemma of finding somewhere to live, and you know how tough that can be.”

Rolling her pretty eyes, she nodded. “Oh, I do know that. Hence why I split my time between the travel trailer in the driveway and your brother’s house. Not quite ready to move in together, but there’s also nowhere else to live.”

“Myla and her friends bought the orchard, and Everett lives with his aunt and uncle. And I’m pretty sure Duane and Dan live under Mosley Creek Bridge. So …”

She snickered at his joke. “Yeah, they make me answer a riddle every time I want to cross it.”

“Couple of misogynistic trolls.”

“I’m off tomorrow. So just shoot me a message when Vica is awake. I’ll keep an eye out for Troll One and Troll Two though. You know they’re going to be back bright and early.”

“Those lazy bastards? Doubt it.”

“True. But let me know when she’s up and I’ll come over to support and comfort her. Brooke too.”

He saw her to the door. “Thanks, Justine. It’s nice having a doctor in the family.”

She grinned and tossed her long, straight, dark hair over her shoulder. “Been a while since I’ve seen a dead body. Not going to lie, it was triggering.”

“I bet. It’s been even longer since I’ve seen one.”

“I’m glad Grayson is taking over that. He doesn’t even need me to go help him with the body tomorrow, thankfully. The medical examiner is scheduled to be on one of the first ferries in the morning. Along with Seattle PD.”

“Lovely. More cops snooping around.”

“Better Seattle PD than Troll One and Trolle Two.” She opened the door. “Have a good night, Wyatt. Try to get some sleep.”

“You too. Take care.”

Even though their little family compound was incredibly safe and secure,he still stood on his porch until he saw her enter Bennett’s house. Then, just because tonight had been so fucked up, for the first time ever, he locked his front door.

“Jake,” Griffon whisper-yelled. “Jake!”

“What?” Jake finally said, his voice groggy from sleep.

“Dad’s sleeping on my floor. Why’s he on my floor?”

“I don’t know. I’m not in your room.”