Jake yawned as well. “Me too.”

Vica and Wyatt exchanged looks over the heads of the boys.

“Me too,” he whispered. “And I’ll never be too scared to tell you I love you again. Because I do. Forever and always, Mrs. McEvoy.”

Tears shimmered in her eyes. “I love you too.” She kissed the boys’ heads. “All three of you.”


Five months later …

“All right, Ms. Vitale—”

“It’s Mrs. Vitale-McEvoy,” Vica corrected the immigration officer, making sure to give him her biggest smile. She reached for Wyatt’s hand and squeezed it on top of her thigh. “Wearemarried and have been for five months.”

The immigration officer, whose name was “Stan” didn’t look amused. “All right,Mrs.Vitale-McEvoy, please state your full name.”

“Ludovica Vitale-McEvoy.”

“And where were you born?”

“Rome, Italy,” she said with a polite head nod.

“And where was Mr. McEvoy born?”

She knew this question. “Dallas, Texas, while his father was stationed there.”

Wyatt squeezed her hand, and she turned to face him, getting a happy wink in return.

“What is your legal status in the US?” Stan asked.

“I, um … well, I work for WindRay Energy as an engineer. They are based out of San Francisco, and I work on site there one week a month while working remotely from home on San Camanez Island the rest of the time. I am legallymarried to Wyatt McEvoy. So I did not require a work visa. I married Wyatt while my old work visa was still valid. So, I am legally allowed to be in this country as a spouse of a US citizen. He is my sponsor.”

Stan wrote something down.

Vica glanced at Wyatt. “Was that answer too long?”

He shook his head. “No. The lawyer prepped us on everything. You’re doing great. More is better than less.”

Stan cleared his throat. “When did you come to the US?”

“Eighteen months ago.”

“How did you come to the US?”

“By plane? Or do you need the airline I used and the places where I had layovers? I had a work visa sponsored by Croft Engineering at the time.”

“By plane is fine, and thank you.” He tipped his gray gaze up to Vica just for a moment, though he was mostly staring at his computer screen. “Have you worked in the US?”

Vica glanced at Wyatt. Didn’t she already tell him she had worked and was working? “Uh … yes. I am a mechanical engineer, and I worked for Croft Engineering in Seattle. And now, I am employed by WindRay Energy in San Francisco.”

Stan’s head bobbed on his long, thin neck.How old was Stan? It was tough to tell.His dark hair was thinning on top and starting to show some gray, and he had thick, deep creases at the corners of his eyes. The man could be anywhere between thirty-five and sixty-five for all Vica knew. “Have you ever violated the conditions of your visa?”

Vica swallowed.

Wyatt squeezed her hand.

She shook her head. “No, sir. I have not.” Her smile was brittle on her lips and wobbled. And her hands were incredibly sweaty; she felt bad for Wyatt having to hold onto her slippery fingers. In her other hand, the papers that she’d brought were starting to get thin and fragile as her sweat dampened the sheets.