“Nadine, Monique, Ginny, Luke, Ursula, and Padma are all summer hires. But Ursula and Padma are on just for dinner shift today, so they weren’t there this afternoon.” He finished buttering the two slices of bread, laid one in the pan, covered it with the cheeses, then placed the other slice on top. “I don’t know about the kitchen staff though. That’s Wyatt and Burke’s department.”

“I still can’t believe Burke did what he did.”

“Man is badass. Toughest motherfucker I’ve ever met.”

Her sigh hit her deep in her bones. She was suddenly exhausted. “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay him.”

“Don’t let him hear you say that. Burke hates feeling like anybody owes him anything. He says the world has gone the way of quid pro quo and he hates it. He doesn’t understand when, or why, people evolved to only doing what is right when there is something in it for them. Not because it’s simply the right thing to do.” He shook his head. “I mean, frankly, I feel the same way. But Burke is very vocal about it. So don’t tell him you owe him or any of that shit. He’ll just get mad.”

Vica’s head bobbed. “Noted.”

“I mean, that’s definitely how I feel with regards to the women who Track attacked. Yes, they’re scared, but coming forward and bringing him to justice—his father to justice—is the right thing to do. Wyndham Croft is a bad and dangerous man, and he needs to be stopped.”

“That he does. But at what cost?”

“At whatever it costs. Otherwise, it’ll never stop. You know Track has two more brothers. Right? Also, with rap sheets that Daddy has paid to make goaway.”

If she’d had gum in her mouth, it would have fallen onto the floor. “I didn’t know Track had brothers.”

“Half brothers. Different mother from Track’s. Younger, and they don’t live in Seattle. I think one is in college in Florida and one is working for one of his father’s companies somewhere … I want to say, Utah? Maybe?”

“And they have victims as well?”

Dom shrugged. “I’d be very surprised if they didn’t. They were raised to believe they could do no wrong. And if they did do wrong, Daddy would pay to get them out of it. So they have no boundaries, morals, or scruples. The world is their playground and women are their toys. I think the one in Florida has had several DUIs and has served no jail time, even though he should have. He also should have lost his license. And then the one in Utah was caught with possession and intent to sell of fentanyl laced cocaine and never even saw a courtroom, let alone a prison cell.”

Fresh bile coated the back of Vica’s tongue. “Does Wyatt know this? Does Clint?”

“I texted it to Wyatt.”

“Where did you hear it?”

He smiled and flipped the sandwich in the cast iron. “Oh, a bartender hears all kinds of things. They say bartenders make great therapists. Well, we’re also really great flies on the wall. People forget we’re there and they just talk as if we’re deaf or too stupid to understand what they’re saying. Two guys came in the other day, chatting. They sat at the bar, drinking expensive whiskey, and the more they had, the looser their lips became. They wanted to come to the place that Track died. Pay tribute to their fallen friend.


“Yes, but informative. They spoke of his brothers and all the horrible shit they’ve gotten up to. Not to mention how impressed they were with all the things Track got away with because of who his father is.”

“And you said you texted this to Wyatt?”

He nodded and pulled out his phone and brought up his one-on-one communication with Wyatt. “See?”

Vica blinked a bunch of times. “He has said nothing about this to me.”

“I’ll resend it.”

“And to Clint and Bennett too, please.”

Using the spatula, he pulled the grilled cheese out of the pan. “Do you want your crusts cut off too?”

That made her smile. “No, thank you. I like the crusts.”

He nodded, then proceeded to resend the information to Wyatt and the other brothers. Not a minute went past before Dom’s phone started to vibrate. “Shit. He didn’t get it the first time. Goddamn technology.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I sent it and it showed that it was sent, but …” He pinched his forehead with his thumb and forefinger. “Fuck.”

“It’s okay. I’m sure Gabrielle is looking into it.” But just to be safe, Vica punched in Gabrielle’s number and was grateful when the woman picked up after three rings.

“Vica, please don’t be calling with more bad news. I was literally just there a few hours ago.”

“I’m sorry.”