Myla understood how Vica was feeling and backed off. “Gabrielle is keepingme up to date on things.”
Vica merely nodded.
“I have heard that Jenkins and Fischer are working with Seattle PD to strengthen the case against you. Wyndham Croft and the company who was supposed to hire you in New York are also submitting more evidence that you leaked confidential information.”
A sick swirling sensation formed in Vica’s gut and bile burned on the back of her tongue. “And what of all these attacks on my life? Is nobody looking into the possibility of it being a hit hired by Wyndham Croft? Why amIthe bad guy here, when someone is literally trying to kill me every few days? And growing more and more desperate as the days go by. First, it was trying to hit me with the car, then the shooting. Then they rammed into the truck with the children in it. And now a bomb in a restaurant full of people? Isn’t anybody takingthatseriously?”
Myla scanned the area, then finally nodded, letting Vica know she could climb out of the car. “I am. Everett is.”
“No offense, Myla, but you are two rookie cops. We are going up against a very big monster with a lot of money and a lot to lose.” Dom stepped out of his front door; he scanned the area for danger as well, before welcoming her inside. He offered for Myla to come in too, but she declined.
“I’ve got to get back down to the pub. Go help the boys with questioning.” She sighed. “I know that you don’t think I know how to do my job, Vica, but I do. I’m on your side.”
“It’s not that I think you don’t know how to do your job. It’s that what is required in this instance is too big. Too dangerous. I like you, Myla, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.” She reached out and squeezed the police officer’s arm. “Thank you for seeing me home safely.”
“It’s a shame Burke had to drop it into the ocean. We could have dusted it for prints.”
Vica nodded. “At least nobody got hurt.”
“I’ll walk you to the gate,” Dom said, leaving Vica to head into his house where three little boys sat at the kitchen table eating grilled cheese, cucumbers, and strawberries for lunch.
“Vica!” Griffon cheered.
Even though she was in utter turmoil inside, she smiled anyway. It was impossible not to smile around the kids.
“Want some grilled cheese?” Silas asked, holding up a quarter of his in the shape of a triangle.
Comfort food. That was actually exactly what she needed. “You eat yours, but thank you for offering.”
“My dad can make you one,” he offered. “He addsthreekinds of cheese.”
Vica’s eyes widened. “Three?”
“Dad!” Silas yelled, just as the front door opened. “What cheeses do you put in the grilled cheese?” Clearly, the little boy was much more comfortable in his own home. His voice was well above a whisper here.
Dom joined them in the kitchen. “White cheddar, fresh grated parmesan, and some Emmentaler for that stringy, Swiss cheese flavored goodness.
Silas nodded and took a bite, making sure Vica could see how stringy he got his cheese. “See!”
“I see,” she said.
“And I took my dairy pills so I won’t kill people with myscorregia.”
Vica giggled and gave the little cutie a thumbs up.
“Would you like one?” Dom asked.
“I would actually love one.”
He nodded, then went to work in the kitchen. The boys were happily chatting among themselves, so she went into the kitchen.
“How is everything down there? Bennett has been texting me with updates. They’re interrogating staff right now.”
“Yeah … I mean … do you think it could be an employee?”
“I desperately want to think ‘no.’ But how well do we really knowpeople? Some of our staff are summer hires. They’re students, desperate for cash. They’ve taken out student loans and are struggling to stay ahead, despite how competitive and fair our wages are. We’re not like some restaurants that rely on tips to heavily makeup our staffs’ wages. If we could do away with tipping all together, we would.”
“Who are the newest hires?”