“Hey,” Clint said. “This is Isaac Fox from Seattle PD.”
Wyatt’s gaze flicked to Vica, who also stood up, then back to his brother. He sent a wordless question to Clint using just their eyes.
“We can trust him,” Clint said. “He’s the guy who helped us big time with Brooke’s case.”
Ah, okay.
Now Wyatt remembered why the name “Isaac Fox” sounded familiar.
“San Camanez isn’t really my jurisdiction,” Isaac started, “but when Clint called and told me what was going on, I said I’ll help however I can.”
Clint nodded. “We can’t trust Jenkins or Fischer, and as much as I like Myla and Everett, they’re young and green in the world of policing. Jenkins and Fischer aren’t intimidated by them, and don’t listen to them. It’s not a team environment in that police station and the whole island knows it.”
Isaac pulled in a deep breath through his nose and his head bobbed. “It can happen. The old dogs won’t learn new tricks, and stay barking long after they should have retired.”
“Coffee?” Vica asked.
Isaac and Clint both nodded. “Please,” Isaac said, as they all followed Vicaback into the kitchen and took seats at the kitchen table.
“Vica says she’s meeting with Gabrielle today. That there are two women who had similar experiences with Track and were paid off by Wyndham to be quiet,” Wyatt stated, sipping his coffee.
“Oh, there are atleasteight that I’m aware of,” Isaac added. “I did a bit of quick digging in the ferry line this morning and found eight names of women that Wyndham Croft has paid off in the last five years. And you can bet your ass he’s having them all watched right now.”
“Shit,” Wyatt murmured. “He’s making sure they all keep quiet.”
Isaac nodded. “Wyndham Croft is dirty money. Sure, he owns Croft Engineering, but he’s got his hands in all kinds of other shit. Along with the FBI, we’ve been watching him for years. Ties to organized crime, racketeering, embezzlement, fraud, and I think he was one of the guys who visited Epstein’s island. Like the man is dirty, but he has the means and the contacts to keep himself looking clean.”
“So the possibility of those two witnesses, let alone the other six, actually coming forward is pretty slim?” Wyatt asked, meeting Vica’s heartbroken gaze in the kitchen.
Isaac’s mouth dipped into a sympathetic frown and he met Vica’s gaze, his blue eyes turning sad. “Slim, yes. Impossible, no. We just need to be smart about this.” He scratched at the rusty scruff along his angular jaw. “This is going to sound really callous, and I apologize in advance, but we need to find the women with less to lose.”
Vica reared back at that. “What do you meanless to lose?”
Isaac focused on her. “I mean, a woman with children, or a spouse, or large extended family, will be less likely to help if she has more targets for Wyndham to threaten. But if we find someone similar to Vica—again, I mean no disrespect, but a woman with no children or partner, and less to lose, less leverage, less targets, then she might be willing to help. If we are able to guarantee her safety. Like witness protection.”
The cop’s reasoning made sense, even though it made Wyatt sick to think about. “Are there any like that?” Vica asked.
Isaac nodded. “Three. Two are the women your lawyer mentioned, and then one more. Evie Sanchez.” He dropped his gaze to the floor for a moment, took a deep breath through his nose and exhaled long and slow before finally reaching her eyes again, his gaze drifting to each of them. “Evie worked with Track last year. He got her alone at the staff Christmas party and he raped her.”
Bile coated the back of Wyatt’s tongue. It was a good thing that motherfucker was already dead.
“She wound up pregnant. Got an abortion and tried to file a report with HR and the police. But the rape kit mysteriously went missing—”
“Yeah, I bet it did,” Wyatt shot back, shaking his head as rage bubbled hot in his veins.
Isaac simply nodded. “And of course, I’m sure you can guess, but HR did nothing to support her.”
“Because HR isn’t there for the employees, it’s there for the business,” Clint said. “Anybody who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves.”
“Where is Ms. Sanchez now?” Wyatt asked.
Vica nodded. “Is she okay?”
Another frown pulled down the corners of Isaac’s lips. “She dropped the case, and shortly after disappeared.”
“Like was killed?” Clint asked, his eyes wide.
Isaac quickly shook his head. “No, no. Nothing like that.”