Page 8 of Marshall

“You disappoint me?How…you know what?I don’t care why you’d even think that.I love you, Marshall, and I will forever.Making love to you is going to be epic because of the love we have for each other.Understand?”He nodded and then told her that he did.More than he could imagine.“Good.Don’t leave me like that again.Just talk to me.All right?”

“Yes, of course.”Grinning, he was just about to pull into traffic, if you could call three cars a traffic jam, when he thought of something else.“I’ll be back at the house in a few hours.After that, we’ll head to the pack land, then come back to the house and use every hard surface there is to have sex on.”

“I love that idea.I’ll tell Pie that we don’t need her tonight, and I’ll have us a nice platter of finger food.All right.”He told her that he’d pick up the champagne.“Good thinking.Okay.I love you, Marshall.”

“And I love you, Meggie, mine.”

He was in a better frame of mind when he got to Hamish’s house.They were going to work out the deals that the pack was going to do for Perry Industries, the new name that Hamish had come up with concerning personal projects that he had going on with the town.Which would include the pack and the land that they’d been using for over a couple of decades.

“I know that we talked about having the pack work on the trees that are fallen in the fields that we want to put grazing animals on, but I think for as much work as I can see that needs to be done, I’m going to pay the men and women that work for me too.”Marshall didn’t say anything but thought of all the implications that having money would have on his pack.“What would you do?If you had all the land that we’ve been talking about?”

“It is a great deal of land, Hamish.But to just…Don’t donate it to the pack, even for the work that’s being done.I think they would expect you to do more for them.We need jobs, which is what we should be focusing on.I know that you’re expanding, but that’s only going to be about fifty people, correct?”Hamish said that would be the max that would be working for him.“There are two deals that I’ve been working on with the people that I invest for.Two of them are looking to expand to a much larger plant than they have now.One of them is the manufacture of paper bags.It doesn’t seem like a great deal of work would be done here, but he employs nearly three thousand people.Paper bags are a large industry.Not to mention, the expansion is going to include things like recycled paper towels and napkins as well as cleaning materials such as wipes for larger spills.I think this would be the perfect time to invest in the future.I’m not saying that you haven’t.You have more than anyone I know, but instead of handing over the property, let me talk to some business partners of mine and see if we can get one of them—hell, maybe even both of them to come here and hire some of the locals.Just building the plants will make for a great many jobs.”

“I like that idea.Very much so.”Hamish made himself a note on that.“What sort of businesses do you represent?I assumed that it was simply individual people who didn’t know how to invest.”

“It is for the most part.That’s where the biggest part of my money comes from.I get a percentage of what they make, and it works out well for us.A lot of my own investments are startups from long ago.I’m betting that you have the same kind of investments as well.”Hamish said that he did, but he was also getting paid really well for being the king of vamps.“Since I trust you with this, Meggie and I are going to take the pack.We don’t want anyone to know outside of the pack meeting that we’re having tonight.She doesn’t want it to get back to her family.And she’s going to retire at the end of next year.We’re going to work on having a baby between now and then as well.”

“Congratulations, old man.That’s wonderful news.”He smiled then, and Hamish asked him what was going on.“You have that look on your face like you did when we were younger.What’s up?”

“Nothing.It just occurred to me that we’re going to have to deal with the president soon.Andwhen we do, Meggie might well not retire.It’s funny, I’m seriously deranged for saying this, but it is funny how things seem to work out.”He said that he didn’t understand.“Meggie wants to be in the White House someday.This is going to make it so that she’s on the lips of every person in the world.How she saved the United States from a crooked jackass that is going down in a ball of flame.”

“You think so?”He said that he did, and he knew how to do it now.“Good.Do you need any of us to be there?”

“Yes, all of you.But especially you because I believe that you and Lauder have the most varied magic.”Hamish nodded, then smiled, too.“Yes, I’m betting that he goes down in a huge fucking flame.I hope so anyway.”

“If you have a plan, then I’ll make sure it happens.”Marshall told him the basic part of the plan.“Christ, that’s brilliant.Hell yeah, I’m on board with that.I think that Lauder is as well.She has a feeling that once you go down, in his plans that he’s going to try and take down the rest of us as well.He has an issue with her working and us being as wealthy as we are.I don’t understand that logic at all.”

“Me either.Unless he wants someone with more…no, there is no one as good as she is at her job.It’s also one of those specialized jobs that needs a certain temperament for it.Not everyone can go into murky water and dive for bodies.Not only that but doesn’t she have like ten degrees?”Hamish’s chest puffed out like he was a proud pappa.

Smacking him around and having a bit of fun with the old vampire, the two of them worked on the businesses as well as his plan for taking down the president.It was going to be epic, he thought.


“Let me see if I can have one of your relatives pop me in and back.I have several meetings today, and I have to be there.”Michael couldn’t wait to get his hands on the note that the bastard Douglas had kept.The man had a hard time keeping a job.Why the fuck did he have a contract on him.And not only that, why did he sign it.He realized that he either missed something or she wasn’t talking to him.“MJ, are you still there?”

“Yes, of course.I was just waiting for you to contact one of the family members to get you here and back.”He said that he’d make the call and get back to her.“All right then.I’ll be waiting.My dad has a lot of paperwork on him that his family is finally going through.There are several more things that he saved that I think shouldn’t have been promised to him.”

Sitting down, Michael asked what they were.“You know what?Why don’t you just let me go over the paperwork?I’m sure that you have enough on your plate with all the things that are going on around there.”She told him it was no trouble that her dad was going before the judge in a few days.“All the more reason for you to let me just go through the things.That way, you can have more time to concentrate on getting him out of jail.His brothers, too, I’m assuming.”

“I got it.I’ll hear from you soon, I’m guessing.”She hung up.MJ had never been a ball player with him.She’d do her job and do it extremely well.But she’d not do anything for him that was outside her job description.And certainly nothing illegal.Damn, but he hated her.

Putting his own phone on the desk, he tried to make busy work for himself so that he’d be in the big room, the room that no one dared to record.The only pictures that he would allow were the ones that his staff took.He thought that was the best way to deal with things.Then he’d signed a contract with a bigger fucking idiot than his own dad had been.

He’d figured out that MJ had a family after she’d been in college.She’d been training for a promotion.And she’d done so well that they fast-tracked her to be a General with Distinction.She’d not only made the other men in the class look like total buffoons, but she had also graduated at the top of her class, several points ahead of the closest candidate that was in the graduating class with her.

But she wasn’t a person that you could approach about certain jobs that he wanted done.Like the assignation of his running mate.His sister and her family.He wanted them all dead, as they had all become an embarrassment to him while he’d been in the office.Christ, having a family was the worst thing that could happen if you were a politician.

His phone ringing had him cursing up a blue streak, something his stupid father used to say, and he had to breathe several times out his mouth and in his nose before he felt calm enough to take the call.

“I’ve been thinking that I’d like to take a short trip.”Rolling his eyes, while putting a smile on his face so he didn’t give away his anger at his Vice President, Collin Court.A stupider name as he’d ever heard.“I’ve been invited to some friends of mine home and I’m going to make plans to go there next week.”

“Next week?Whoa there, buddy, we have a country to run.Not to mention, it’s an election year.I’m going to need you around here for the duration of the month.”He had to look at his calendar, not having a single idea what the date was.“I’m afraid that you’re going to have to cancel those—”

“No, no, that doesn’t work for me.So I’m not going to cancel.You seemed to have a handle on everything.I’ll see you in a few days.”Putting the phone back down on his desk, Michael started to shake.His anger was so much.Picking up his pillow on the couch, he screamed into it until his throat hurt.What the fuck was going on?Wasn’t he the fucking president of the fucking United fucking States?”

His head was hurting so badly right now that he had to go up to his rooms to lie down.He could barely see with the black spots that were there, as well as his belly.It was never upset unless he was stressed out and was giving him fits as well.

“One thing.I just want one thing, and I know that things will go according to plan.”He took two pain relievers and laid on the bed.So happy that his wife wasn’t there.She’d be on his shit about the upcoming visit from foreign dignitaries.Not that he had any idea who was coming.He never bothered with that crap until right before.Then he’d blame his staff if it didn’t come off the way that he wanted.